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Yeah the one thing that none of the blood/gore mods do is make the wound decals that get applied to models when they don't dismember occur more often/more consistently.



Shoot someone in the face with a pistol and no blood decal gets applied to their face. I think these decals should always be applied. Whether they die or not, whether they get dismembered or not.


These wound decals get applied fairly consistently to the torso, but I wonder if they ever get applied to heads at all. I don't recall ever seeing the blood decals on someones head/face.


There are some mods that try to make dismemberment a little more realistic but if you ask me, these wound decals should be an essential part of any such mod. If you make it so pistols can't take someone's head off you should also make it so that they consistently cause blood decals on people's heads. Otherwise you shoot someone in the face and it seems odd that their face looks just fine.


It would be cooler also to blow someone's head off and see that their face/head is all covered in blood instead of just having the neck be bloody.


So how hard would it be to get those blood decals to apply to heads/limbs better/more often?


It would also be cool if these decals stacked better, rather than replacing each other. Shoot someone in the torso and there will be a wound decal, shoot them again and the first decal will disappear and just be replaced with a new one (if they are very close to each other), it would be better if new decals just stacked over the old ones so models could just look totally riddled/covered in blood.


Please someone make this :thumbsup: pretty please..

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