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Remove World Map Objective Marker


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I've just about got one of my scripts working properly. The problem is that I want the player to take a journey following the compass objective marker rather than the world map objective marker. The only thing I have left to do is remove the world map objective marker, but I'm getting a sneaking suspicion that I can't do that.


Does anyone know if this is possible without removing the compass objective marker?


EDIT: I found Compass Tuner which does this externally (I think from the .ini), so I should specify that I'm looking for an internal way to do this. I don't want to wreck anyone's UI setup.


EDIT: For anyone who is following this, with the help of Doublevil (Compass Tuner's author), I now understand that I can shut the objective off if the player opens the menu. I've found the relevant function in the SKSE function list (IsMenuOpen). I will be installing the SKSE .psc files (wasn't trying to make my mod dependent on much of anything), and then I will test and update with results.


EDIT: I've been working my way through this. It turns out that I may not necessarily need SKSE. The functionality is there in the base scripts. My current roadblock is that the menu mode seems to hold the script up. So, while it eliminates the marker on the compass in-game immediately, the marker on the map remains until it is closed. May scrap this whole system and go for some other method.

Edited by Ulfengaard
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