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Would this be possible? (Shout mod)


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Is there one for just a shout cooldown in general? So instead of changing the cooldown time for each shout individually you would just have one option that changes the cooldown time for all of the shouts by a percentage? Kind of like the amulet of talos?


yes, you can use this for that


Okay. Is that already an option in that mod or would it need to be added?

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Hi. I actually had another question involving shouts, and I didn't want to make a new topic. Is it possible to add new shouts to the game? or even unlock some of the shouts that are already in the game but the player can't use them. For instance the fire storm shout that Alduin uses, in the beginning of the game.

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I tried that and it didn't work. When I tried to add Alduin's fire storm shout, it gave it to me but there were no words of power in it. It was just blank, so then I tried to add some words of power but it came up saying that it didn't exist. The same thing happened when I made a new shout, it said that the shout didn't exist. So I must be doing something wrong.

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