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Joining Thieves Guild Bug


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Hey there.


Since I've started a new game, decided to make a thief.

So I was going to join the thieves guild as fast as I can, besides of anything, I got already one "Unusual Gem"

Brynjolf's quest - reaching the ragged flagon - in my Journal

Vex's quest - about the "unusual gem" - also in my journal (


First problem: Vex's only says some random conversion dialogs, isn't reacting nor any action is possible with her.

Brynjolf is already at the flagon, but after speaking to him, after his second sentences about doing some deeds, he only cancels the conversation and says "Come back if you grow a backbone." ...


I never have had such problems where I wasn't using any DLC ...

What could cause this issue with this quest line?


I am already lv 28. Didn't kill any of them before (not even mistakenly). Any advise?


All of them, the necessary NPCs, are at the ragged flagon. Cannot speak to anyone for jobs.

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A lot of dialogue bugs have appeared in the Ragged Flagon since 1.6. Sorry, but Bethesda only knows how to create bugs. They don't fix them.


If there is a fix for any of that stuff, I don't know, but I would keep trying the conversation until you get the quest to shake down the shop owners.

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I've tried a console command with resetting the AI, resetting their behavior (friend, foe, neutrum, etc.) and speak again with the 2nd option "I got almost killed!" - this one worked after commanding at the console, otherwise it would bug ... non stop.

And you aren't wrong with that opinion

Sorry, but Bethesda only knows how to create bugs. They don't fix them.

Since I updated my version from 1.4 (or 1.6, dunno exactly) and bought the DLCs, it went to a full bug-gameplay, sadly.



Something seriously is freaking me out ... dawnguard is as well bugging around.


Now are isram and this stupid priest or whatever attacking me non stop.


Must get usage of "setav aggression 1" and "0" additional with resetai.

Why are those contents bugging? They never had before on my other saves, even the mods are the same and they never attacked me.

Something goes wrong ... the whole time. I don't think that changing texture will ever affect NPC AI behavior ... -.-'

Edited by dark_viper
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I have also had problems with joining the Thieves Guild as well. I get up to the part where Brynjolf says to follow him to meet Mercer, I do. When I zone through the door however, instead of walking to the center of the circle where you meet Mercer, he is standing off to the side and then attacks me. Can't get past this part. I have tried over and over again I have even waited several days hoping that it would 'work itself out' and it has not. It is annoying because I cannot get the quest to advance past this point. This has not happened any other time I have done this quest.


I noticed that this happened after the patch ... 1.6 I think?

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