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How do I find an NPC's headmesh and facegen tint.dds?


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I'm mixing and matching NPC makeover mods. Right now I need to find an NPC's headmesh and then its unique facegen tint texture file. I looked all over the Creation Kit and xEdit but could find no pathing to the specific files. My only recourse is opening the game one by one while deleting each headmesh and tint until I find the one attached to an NPC. That's way too tedious.


Help would be appreciated.

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All head meshes are located at: Meshes > Actors > Character > facegendata > facegeom

All head textures are located at: Textures > Actors > Character > facegendata > facetint


In these locations you will find folders named the same as the source plugin for the actor. If the actor is from the base game, there should be a Skyrim.esm folder. Inside that folder are files whose name is the FormID # of the associated actor record. If texture, they will have DDS extensions. If mesh, they will have NIF extensions.


Hope this helps.

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