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Where is the Bash/Hidden directory?


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I sent a mod there to troubleshoot in Wrye Bash, and now I want to return it. It said it'd be sent to the Bash/Hidden directory.


However, it seems to live up to its name: I cannot find it anywhere. I checked the root folder, I checked the data folder, I even checked the gamesave folder in My Docs. It is nowhere.


So where is it really?

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For Skyrim it is:




"C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Mods\Bash Mod Data\Hidden"


EDIT: That is an odd feature. The only way that I can see to do a restore is manually unless you did a Wrye Bash Backup or Snapshot first.

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If you right click "File" (in the column just above the load order but under the tabs you see) there is the the option to unhide your mods. If you want to troubleshoot mods better without hiding your esps/esms all the time you may want to try "auto-ghosting", tick that in the same context menu where "unhide" is and your mods will ghost when they are inactive so they don't affect the game. Alternatively you can just right click a mod and select ghost but it is better in general to ghost all your mods so that the game doesn't read them anyway. If you don't know what ghosting is all it does is add the extension ".ghost" to any inactive mods. This is great for keeping under the 140 mod "Magic threshold" where the game starts to corrupt everything, as the game does read inactive esps/esms.

EDIT: And to confirm just ffs, blove is dead on the money, the folder your looking for is in the steamapps/common folder, called New vegas mods. Not that you will need it if you follow the mentioned methods in Wrye :smile:.

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It's not in the most obvious place that's for sure, especially if you're not accustom to Wrye from previous Beth games. Well now y'all know anyway :)

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