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[WIP] Vile Concoctions - Need Playtesters


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Hey guys, I'm working on a gameplay overhaul right now.
And the first thing I want to release is the alchemy overhaul.

I was hoping I could get some pre-release playtesters.

Send an email to [email protected] if you're interested.

The pre-release will be distributed by email, so I'll need the email you'll be using anyways.

Full Information Page

- Witcher Inspired Toxicity System
The player now has a maximum toxicity level (tweakable through a settings menu)
You gain +1 toxicity for each alchemical potion effect.
Exceeding your maximum toxicity will cause the player to:
vomit, dispel all their beneficial alchemy effects, and incur 5 minutes of potion sickness.
There are perks to increase maximum toxicity.

- Potion Cooldowns
Drinking a beneficial potion incurs a cooldown, during which you cannot drink anymore beneficial potions.
There are perks to further customize cooldown mechanics.
The base cooldown time can be tweaked through a settings menu
Attempting to drink a potion during cooldown will have no effect, and the potion you drink will be refunded, self crafted potions included.

- Explosions
There are 3 perks for explosives
One for grenades, one for explosive arrows, and one for proximity mines.
Explosion damage scales with alchemy level.
You gain alchemy experience for explosions, whether or not you hit a target.
Proximity mines and grenades are quickcast, IE you don't need to equip them, you just press a hotkey and they are thrown immediately.
Mines and grenades have a cooldown timer that you can adjust via the settings menu.

The improvised explosives ability does not require crafting, instead an item from a list is removed immediately and thrown as an explosive.
For example, all that ale you find lying around can now be used as molotovs. And you don't need to run to a crafting table before you can use it as an explosive.

- Paired Perks
I'll release two versions of this mod, one with the vanilla perk tree and one with one I made.
The one I made features paired perks.
IE getting one perk prevents you from getting a perk it has been paired with.

This is my attempt at making player perk decisions more influencial.
A refund/reset perk option will be available via the settings menu in case you mess up.

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