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My life is too dangerous with Requiem


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Hello sky nexus! I am posting so perhaps someone else playing a requiem hardcore play through can offer some tops on how to survive.


I'm currently playing skyrim with requiem + frost fall + realistic needs and I'm finding it tough to stay alive for more than 5 minutes. Let me walk you though a day in the life of my reclusive sociopathic wood elf.


so I started the living other life modification and it put me out in the middle of the woods. from there I had to go find shelter as well as clothing and food and water asap. So I go down one road and get one shotted by an Archer in a fort.


So I go down the second road and discover a lone hunter by a bonfire with food and wine stocked up in a tent. I decide I need to take her life in order to sustain mine so I pick up an iron mace and bash her from behind. Not surprisingly I get one shotted by her sword thrust as health does not regenerate and my health was at 25% when I started attacking.


So I load up the save and try the third path, only to be chased down to a river by a troll and get body slammed off a cliff.


So I concoct a plan! I will bait the troll to the hunter and then run away and let the troll do what trolls do best. The troll takes the bait and follows me to the hunter campsite. Once there the hunter gets a warm welcome and tries to use her bow but resistance is futile - the troll claws her face off. After getting visual confirmation but unable to approach the body and loot because of the trolls superior speed, I run to a nearby inn and wait until night falls so I can salvage what's left at the crime scene campsite. I head out and...success! I undress and loot her armor, get a bow, food, water, warm up by the fire and am ready to continue down the path once more.


... Only to get one shotted by a forsworn or a bear. I honestly just want to find a dark corner and call it home because skyrim is too harsh, but I can't even do that because lorecraft requires that I find books and only then can I craft essential stuff for living in the wilderness like a tent and cooking pot.







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With Requiem, I'd suggest taking it slow for a few levels, sneak around, saving stamina, avoiding roads with bandits and wild areas too thick with animals. And for a while, a bow should be your best friend. It lets you kill people faster for a while before the more heavily armored enemies start to spawn. Until you get more levels and perks, don't try to kill any draugr or stronger creatures in melee - and avoid them if possible. Also, get a bunch of elixirs. Poisons can last for several minutes, ticking down health every second. That mod takes quite a lot of preparation and planning before fights.


I would also suggest this mod.




Learning to use it effectively took me a while, but if you get good and see your enemy, you can easily dodge arrows and power attacks. Requiem is a hard mod. :confused:

But I say it's worth it.

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  • 7 months later...

Just tried Requiem. Uninstalling it. There is, literally, NOTHING to do in Skyrim at low levels with Requiem installed. Bandit spawns are quadrupled in places, when a single bandit is enough to kill you and two at once are suicide. Most animals in the game will kill you in one to two hits. You can't explore, can't fight, can't sneak past.


The immersion changes Requiem makes are fantastic, and I would love to have those, and those alone. The rebalance...isn't. There is nothing balanced about Requiem; its too hard to even approach any semblance of fun. Which is a shame, as I really liked it other than this.

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Just tried Requiem. Uninstalling it. There is, literally, NOTHING to do in Skyrim at low levels with Requiem installed. Bandit spawns are quadrupled in places, when a single bandit is enough to kill you and two at once are suicide. Most animals in the game will kill you in one to two hits. You can't explore, can't fight, can't sneak past.


The immersion changes Requiem makes are fantastic, and I would love to have those, and those alone. The rebalance...isn't. There is nothing balanced about Requiem; its too hard to even approach any semblance of fun. Which is a shame, as I really liked it other than this.

I personally have been playing with it a lot, and while I find everything you say true to some degree, I find it very possible and fun to play the game. if you think about, skyrim is a harsh, unforgiving place, and ust starting out things are tough. The key is to use alchemy, and if possible smithing, these two allow you to get an edge on your enemies. Plus of coarse, planning ahead, and knowing what to expect in fights.


You can't play it REMOTELY like you play skyrim, where you just run around from place to place, doing what ever suits your fancy. You have to think about your journey before hand, spot bandit camps from a long way away and avoid them. and above all, save often.

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I used to use Reqiuem. I loved the immersion changes, I loved the atmosphere changes. I did not like it's balancing though. It made it REALLY difficult to play hybrid roles such as the Battlemage unless you had a whole bunch of perks invested in it. Made early levels more frustrating difficult then challenging difficult.



Me personally, I find that Sky Re has the best balancing when it comes to perks and levelings.

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I like SkyRe a lot, but I find it's as easy as vanilla to 'break' it, the way I play games I always figure out the best way to play and exploit whatever I can. You HAVE to do that to survive in requiem.


In SkyRe I can still find exploits, and by level 20 on legendary difficulty I am basically unstoppable. Yes, requiem is hard, but in reality, living in skyrim would ACTUALLY BE HARD! XD I play it with frostfall, RND, immersive creatures, armors, and weapons.


and I am working on a patch for OBIS myself. ^_^ I like a challenge, bwahaha!

Edited by ArtMurder
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Just tried Requiem. Uninstalling it. There is, literally, NOTHING to do in Skyrim at low levels with Requiem installed. Bandit spawns are quadrupled in places, when a single bandit is enough to kill you and two at once are suicide. Most animals in the game will kill you in one to two hits. You can't explore, can't fight, can't sneak past.


The immersion changes Requiem makes are fantastic, and I would love to have those, and those alone. The rebalance...isn't. There is nothing balanced about Requiem; its too hard to even approach any semblance of fun. Which is a shame, as I really liked it other than this.

Doesn't sound like you gave it much of a chance. It's supposed to be played like older RPGs, like Morrowind for example. You have to start the weak low levels smart and slow.


To the OP, like the above suggested, bows are great. If you're looking for good creatures to fight at low levels for easy experience without needing much in the way of armor/weapons/enchants, etc, try mudcrabs and wolves. Remember, you can also turn down the difficulty in the MCM I think by lowering the damage dealt. If you really are suffering with the low levels and just want a little break to get used to Requiem, try that. Followers also help a ton, since you can get them to do the work while you build your character up.

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Requiem doesn't really have much to do with Morrowind. I think they try too much with realism, and they forget the game. Restoring health is ridicolously hard. Only magic and potkons can restore health, and if your health is at 1% you just can't move, so if you are in the middle of nowhere and anything to heal it will take you two hours to get to the nearest city.

Stamina system is even worse than Morrowind. At first levels, run for 1 minute and you are exausted. Swing your sword one time and you are exausted.

There's no challenge in this. No matter if overpowered draugrs, dumb perks to wear some iron boots are "realistic". I can't play with this mod because it's not fun for me and I won't level up with mudcrabs just to be stronger.

Edited by Derok
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