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My life is too dangerous with Requiem


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You should really stop trying to bring the point that skyrim is harsh and unforgiving so requiem is more "realism"


If you want realism then


A. you wouldn't be able to carry all sorts of different weapons and still loot people

B. you wouldn't be carrying around 12+ potions unless you had a bag of some sort

C. you can't have true "realism" in a game with magic. magic instantly breaks realism.

A] Requiem pretty much stops that, with a carry weight of about 100 if you have armor and a weapon, you can do good to carry one more weapon

B] I do have a backpack, thank you very much, thanks to frostfall.

C] Skyrim is a world that contains magic, therefor it is real for it to have magic within it. "realistic" applies to the world in which the realism is taking place in, it's just totally silly to say that magic is unrealistic in skyrim because there is no magic here, that's like saying cold is unrealistic in skyrim because you live in the desert.



And to everyone else, requiem is not about being 'insanely hard' it's about not being INSANELY GODLIKE. Even in skyre on legendary difficulty, it still takes about twice as may hits to kill me as my average enemy. Hell,. I even installed locational damage on top of requiem so combat does EVEN MORE damage. Why? Well, logically, if someone takes an arrow to the face, or a an axe to the chest, the battle should be over, unless they have some insanely crazy armor, or magic preventing it form killing them. I simply do not enjoy playing a game where I can kil an enemy with two arrow shots tot he foot, but I can survive eight arrows to the face.


Also, where you say "exploiting the AI" I say "fighting logically" Is there a saber cat coming at? Why the HELL would you just stand in the middle of the road and whack it with your iron sword? The more logical combat plan is climb on top of something, or get something between you and it so it can't hit you. You aren't "exploiting the AI" you are "outsmarting that stupid saber cat". I guess requiem is only really enjoyable if you are able to really dive into the role playing aspect. Though, I do admit it tends make magic kind of useless, but as requiem is highly costumizable, you can fix that with a few simple tweaks. Hell, you can fix basically ANYTHING with a few simple tweaks. lol


On a another note about SkyRe, the reason I find it far to easy it has the same problem skyrim does. if you pick one skill tree, train the hell out of it, dump all your perks into it, you can get access to broken ass abilities that make the game way to easy by exploiting them. My last character was a necromancer, and I got the perks that let me build skeletons with bones. At all time si had like, 4-5 skeletons following me, between those and the one summon I could pull out, which was a rather tough draugr, I could kill 90% of enemies before they even got a chance to hit me. Keep in mind this own the highest difficulty possible. Yeah, strong enemies ripped apart my wall of skeletons like tissue paper, but since I was an alchemist as well a paralyzes potion basically stops them before they even hit that wall, and with 5~6 skeletons beating on their paralyzed body, they were usually dead before coming to 5 seconds later. That's just one example. SkyRe is far funner then vanilla, but just as easy, even if the combat is technically made to be harder, you can break the game through exploits just as easy, and the way i play games i can't just ignore exploits I find.


Requiem makes it so that if you are not paying attention, you will die. Id you are not focusing on your character development, you will die. If you run into something unprepared, you will die. If you charge head first into an enemy you haven't fought before, you will probably die. Yes, even if that enemy is a mudcrab. BUT, if you know what you are doing, pay attention, and use your damn intelligence, you will NOT die. I have never been killed by a mudcrab because there is a trick to fighting them, they are slow and very dumb, you can melee them without taking a single hit if you pay attention. Also, you can kill mudcrab in one to two arrows shots, as some are very large and have very thick shells it makes since they won't die from one arrow every time. Combat with every enemy is logical. I killed a sabrecat at level 2 in direct combat, no tricks, no AI befoolery, just flat out skill and preparation. The first 3~5 times I fought the cat he killed me, but after I stopped, though about it, prepared myself, I figured out what to do. I walked just close enough to him for him to charge me, shield bashed him in the face when he ran up to me, side stepped to the side and started bashing the hell out of him with my axe. When he tried to turn around to hit me, I just side stepped again so that I was behind him. The whole battle took maybe 4~5 seconds, but it was so intense, and the since of accomplishment to take out that damn sabrecat that one hit killed me like 5 times without even taking any damage was insane. Basically, if an enemy one hit kills you, then kill it without letting it hit you. I know if I was really there in my characters shoes, i would NOT want to let a sabrecat chew on me, even just once.


Requiem is not the 'best overhaul' and it's not good because it's hard as hell. Requiem is the best "hard core roleplaying overhaul" for people who want to experience something different and challenging, that makes them think, and makes them feel accomplished just for staying alive. The thin is, as fun as SkyRe is, I get NO sense of accomplishment, just like vanilla skyrim. I look at my insanely powerful character, with my insane armor and weapons and broken ass spells and think "wow, I feel like I barely worked at all to get to this point, and now that I'm here what's the point in keeping going? I can already kill everything in the game." maybe it's just that I've played elder scrolls for soooo long that I just no longer feel accomplished by finding that new shiny sword, or that crazy new enchanted piece of armor. It takes something totally new to get my blood pumping now.


SkyRe is a redesign of a great system, but Requiem is an entirely new system. It's an entirely new game. That's the reason I enjoy it.

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I have to agree with most of the posts here, and I myself am giving up on Requiem after a few days of trying it too. I like the old school RPG changes it makes, but the balance and flow of gameplay needs a lot of work. As a studying game designer I can't stand how horribly imbalanced and clunky some of the changes make the gameplay. I think it could be an amazing mod with proper balance changes, but I think most people can put together a good collection of mods to give most of the improvements that Requiem has without the balance issues. A lot of the reasons people are saying they like Requiem can be achieved with small mods scattered around the Nexus.

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The only thing I genuinely hate about Requiem isn't anything to do with the mod mechanics, but rather the 'roleplaying' tagline and description used by everyone who enjoys the mod.


I get why it's there and all, but when I'm roleplaying Requiem is NOT the mod I turn to. I find it practically impossible to roleplay tons of different characters and builds. I mean what if your character can't use bows? They're just not strong enough to string them, or have poor aim. What are you supposed to do for the first part of the game besides die horribly? What if you're a vampire and can't use fire and silver against undead (for obvious reasons)? What if you're character stink at alchemy, enchanting and smithing and only uses what he can find/buy? What if you only use Alteration and Illusion magic and never use followers? Can you even play Requiem and survive?


I play SkyRe. I'm on my 5th or 6th playthrough with SkyRe and I still find it challenging. With its modular setup, things like the uncapper to deal with leveling, perk points and such, and its compatibility with just about anything (thanks to the reproccer and its popularity), I can completely refigure my mod setup so that each playthrough is not only a challenge, but a different kind of challenge. My current character just reached level 50 on Master difficulty and can die from 1-3 arrows (not as extreme as Requiem's guaranteed 1HKO, but still makes you need to think and react quickly), can die when facing a pack of wolves if she fails to take them out at a distance before they close in on her, and will even lose to a bigger mudcrab one-vs-one if she isn't bothering to dodge and dance around it and just goes charging in hacking and slashing. A single power attack from a 2-handed weapon will almost certainly murder her, and you can forget about taking on an entire bandit camp on your own if you get noticed. If I'm on my game my character might be able to clear a dungeon without taking more than a hit or two the entire time. But that doesn't mean I'm just coasting through an easy game. Every moment is filled with tension because I know any mistake could lead to a swift death, much the same as Requiem. And I'm just not a good enough player to avoid the occasional mistake.


There's nothing wrong with SkyRe. My guess is if you find it too easy, it's because you're not roleplaying it and just approaching it as you would vanilla Skyrim, making your character as awesome as possible as fast as possible. In that case, it shouldn't be surprising when it's no longer a challenge by level 30. Roleplay, tweak the uncapper, install some complimentary mods, and SkyRe can be as challenging as you want it to be.

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The only thing I genuinely hate about Requiem isn't anything to do with the mod mechanics, but rather the 'roleplaying' tagline and description used by everyone who enjoys the mod.


I get why it's there and all, but when I'm roleplaying Requiem is NOT the mod I turn to. I find it practically impossible to roleplay tons of different characters and builds. I mean what if your character can't use bows? They're just not strong enough to string them, or have poor aim. What are you supposed to do for the first part of the game besides die horribly? What if you're a vampire and can't use fire and silver against undead (for obvious reasons)? What if you're character stink at alchemy, enchanting and smithing and only uses what he can find/buy? What if you only use Alteration and Illusion magic and never use followers? Can you even play Requiem and survive?


EXACTLY THIS! This is what I consider roleplaying. I made a character which was a dumb nord farmer. He was a dumb nord that the only thing he cared about was working the fields, talk about how Ulfric is awesome, get drunk nearly every night in the local tavern and eventually get in brawls. And when the whole "Skyrim" Business started happening, he only knew how to use a hoe or an axe. And he didn't liked restrinctive armors. So he got hilmsef a big axe and some fur armor and off he went with barelly any gold. He never liked ALchemy, magics or simithing all that much. He liked farming and bashing faces in. He stayed with leather armor up till level 20. Why? Because he hates fancy restrictive armors and likes true nord craftsmanship. Maybe one day he'll get a dragonscale armor eventually. But until then is going leather all the way.


I make my own rules, I set how I want the game to behave and never exploit it or try to do something that just looks plain ridiculous!


Can you do this in Requiem? No...no you can't. Because the only way to survive is to forsake you're character's background and go full out on everything you possibly can to destroy everything in your path. That's not roleplaying...

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You really seem obsessive. A fantasy game is a fantasy game. If you like being killed in 1 hit, fine, that is great. However, I don't like how you act like if you don't you are god like. Again, it's fantasy for a reason.


To some people, dieing in 1 hit isn't fun. I can do that in real life >.>. The point of games is to be able to do things you can't in real life. To be something you couldn't be.


Frankly, I think you are putting Requiem way to high on a pedestal and knocking everything else with out thinking about how your opinion means nothing to others. What you like ..ISN'T what everyone else likes. I don't even think you realize that your words are belittling people. Requiem requires you to think? OH ... really? Are you calling everyone who doesn't use it stupid or something? I am sorry to tell you this, but I have to come up with some pretty crazy strategies just to survive with SkyRe and ASIS. So I really don't know what the hell you are talking about. How do I take down 15 bandits in a building, 4+ of which that can kill me in a couple hits? So trust .. me .. it requires thinking.


Just because I can survive more then 1 arrow doesn't make the game any less easier, because the same goes with NPCs.


"Even in skyre on legendary difficulty, it still takes about twice as may hits to kill me as my average enemy"


It also takes probably twice as many hits to kill enemies if not more. Requiem offers a new challenge. I would not go as far to say it's harder or to act like it requires more thinking. It requires different thinking and that is all.


So I really suggest you think before you talk. I don't mind if you like Requiem better, I respect that. But don't belittle others telling them Requiem actually requires one to think as if the other mods don't. That is very offensive, so get off your high horse.


Edit: I also noticed you talking about intelligence, so I might as well come out and say my IQ is about 130, so I don't have any issues with using my intelligence and yet, I still personally find SkyRe a challenge enough. Maybe it's because I don't power level my way through my games. I am big on roleplay.


I really wouldn't have much of an issue with you, if you didn't come off so snobby.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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The only thing I genuinely hate about Requiem isn't anything to do with the mod mechanics, but rather the 'roleplaying' tagline and description used by everyone who enjoys the mod.


I get why it's there and all, but when I'm roleplaying Requiem is NOT the mod I turn to. I find it practically impossible to roleplay tons of different characters and builds. I mean what if your character can't use bows? They're just not strong enough to string them, or have poor aim. What are you supposed to do for the first part of the game besides die horribly? What if you're a vampire and can't use fire and silver against undead (for obvious reasons)? What if you're character stink at alchemy, enchanting and smithing and only uses what he can find/buy? What if you only use Alteration and Illusion magic and never use followers? Can you even play Requiem and survive?


I play SkyRe. I'm on my 5th or 6th playthrough with SkyRe and I still find it challenging. With its modular setup, things like the uncapper to deal with leveling, perk points and such, and its compatibility with just about anything (thanks to the reproccer and its popularity), I can completely refigure my mod setup so that each playthrough is not only a challenge, but a different kind of challenge. My current character just reached level 50 on Master difficulty and can die from 1-3 arrows (not as extreme as Requiem's guaranteed 1HKO, but still makes you need to think and react quickly), can die when facing a pack of wolves if she fails to take them out at a distance before they close in on her, and will even lose to a bigger mudcrab one-vs-one if she isn't bothering to dodge and dance around it and just goes charging in hacking and slashing. A single power attack from a 2-handed weapon will almost certainly murder her, and you can forget about taking on an entire bandit camp on your own if you get noticed. If I'm on my game my character might be able to clear a dungeon without taking more than a hit or two the entire time. But that doesn't mean I'm just coasting through an easy game. Every moment is filled with tension because I know any mistake could lead to a swift death, much the same as Requiem. And I'm just not a good enough player to avoid the occasional mistake.


There's nothing wrong with SkyRe. My guess is if you find it too easy, it's because you're not roleplaying it and just approaching it as you would vanilla Skyrim, making your character as awesome as possible as fast as possible. In that case, it shouldn't be surprising when it's no longer a challenge by level 30. Roleplay, tweak the uncapper, install some complimentary mods, and SkyRe can be as challenging as you want it to be.


Double post, but felt it should be separate.


I agree with this. Also, if you are big on roleplaying dieing all the time may break immersion a heck of a lot.


I also agree SkyRe is still challenging. I tend to allocate my skills in a roleplay sense, so maybe that is why it's easier for some people. They like to power level to the best skills to the max. I don't particularly like playing that way.


Also, I personally add ASIS with SkyRe. Anyone who plays on at least adept and tells me the game is easy with these 2 combined is a liar. XD Putting the difficulty any higher makes some situations practically impossible.

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You really seem obsessive. A fantasy game is a fantasy game. If you like being killed in 1 hit, fine, that is great. However, I don't like how you act like if you don't you are god like. Again, it's fantasy for a reason.


To some people, dieing in 1 hit isn't fun. I can do that in real life >.>. The point of games is to be able to do things you can't in real life. To be something you couldn't be.


Frankly, I think you are putting Requiem way to high on a pedestal and knocking everything else with out thinking about how your opinion means nothing to others. What you like ..ISN'T what everyone else likes. I don't even think you realize that your words are belittling people. Requiem requires you to think? OH ... really? Are you calling everyone who doesn't use it stupid or something? I am sorry to tell you this, but I have to come up with some pretty crazy strategies just to survive with SkyRe and ASIS. So I really don't know what the hell you are talking about. How do I take down 15 bandits in a building, 4+ of which that can kill me in a couple hits? So trust .. me .. it requires thinking.


Just because I can survive more then 1 arrow doesn't make the game any less easier, because the same goes with NPCs.


"Even in skyre on legendary difficulty, it still takes about twice as may hits to kill me as my average enemy"


It also takes probably twice as many hits to kill enemies if not more. Requiem offers a new challenge. I would not go as far to say it's harder or to act like it requires more thinking. It requires different thinking and that is all.


So I really suggest you think before you talk. I don't mind if you like Requiem better, I respect that. But don't belittle others telling them Requiem actually requires one to think as if the other mods don't. That is very offensive, so get off your high horse.


Edit: I also noticed you talking about intelligence, so I might as well come out and say my IQ is about 130, so I don't have any issues with using my intelligence and yet, I still personally find SkyRe a challenge enough. Maybe it's because I don't power level my way through my games. I am big on roleplay.


I really wouldn't have much of an issue with you, if you didn't come off so snobby.


Did you even read my post at all? It seems like you just glanced through, picked up a few key phrases, then started bashing me for having a different opinion then you. I said myself I liked SkyRe a lot, and that I totally understand WHY people don't like requiem and that it's not for everyone, I also did not say ANYTHING remotely close to requiem being "the only mod that requires one to think" nor did I say anything about SkyRe not requiring thinking. I said Requiem requires more PLANNING then SkyRe which is VERY TRUE and is a flat out FACT based on how the mod is designed, and has nothing to do with intelligence, or how 'good' requiem is, or me trying to insult someone, just MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE.


You get off your high horse, and stop acting like everything people say is some shallow minded attempt at insulting you, and stop being offended by, and insulting people who disagree with you. Stop making crap up and putting words in my mouth for no reason at all, YOU are the only one being "highly insulting" here. I am trying to have an intelligent conversation about a mod I like, and you are bashing away at me blindly for no reason at all, and not saying anything that has anything to do with the mod we are talking about. This is a GAME, if you are honestly this damn insulted by me having different opinions on a GAME then you then maybe you shouldn't be playing it.


Also, If your IQ is 130 then why are you fussing at me for having a different opinion then you, like your a 12 year old brat? I have every right to praise a mod I like, especially when everyone else in the thread is talking down on it, you have no right whatsoever to call me out, insult me, put words in my mouth and take insult where no insult is meant and try to act like it's MY fault you are insulted by MY opinion about a VIDEO GAME.


Also, my IQ is around 155, it's been above 140 since I was 13, I was pretty much born a mathematical genius, but that has NOTHING to do with Skyrim, Requiem, this forum, or what we are talking about, and does not make my opinions, or my ideas any more credible, nor does it mean I think other people are stupid for not liking the mods I like, it simply means that I PERSONALLY like mods that challenge me a great deal, and I PERSONALLY will praise the mods I like because I PERSONALLY LIKE THEM. IQ has nothing to do with anything involved here, and if you honestly considered yourself truly intelligent, you would not take insult to your intelligence so easily, especially when it is VERY clear no insult was meant whatsoever. You don't like Requiem? Fine, don't use. Right me a ten page book WHY you don't like it, list every problem you can think of with it. Don't insult me and try to make me out to be the bad guy for liking something different then you do.


Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go back to having an intelligent adult conversation about this mod, as apposed to randomly mindless bashing of people's opinions.


On an on topic note, I find being one-hitted by enemies very fun when I can one hit them back. The adrenaline rush I feel from battles in Requiem is unlike any other mod I have ever played, and that's the reason I play it. Not for some imaginary ego god complex where I feel like I'm smarter then everyone else in the world for playing it, that's just totally stupid, I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm smart. I play with Requiem simply because I find it FUN. That's what video games are suppose to be. FUN. Some people find being put up against impossible odds and insanely powerful enemies, while having to claw my way through impossible odds, so that every inch is a victory more fun then running around doing whatever strikes my fancy and using insanely powerful abilities to fight other insanely powerful enemies. Some people really enjoy feeling insanely powerful, like they can do whatever they want, and that they can do things they can never do in real life. SOME PEOPLE DON'T. Some people like to feel connected to there character, like their character suffers from the same limitations they do, so it feels all that much more accomplishing when they complete impossible tasks. Different people have different opinions and play the game differently. I don't care at all if you hate requiem because you like to feel powerful and do things you can't do in real life. Requiem is simply not designed for that, so it makes since you would hate it, and I don't blame you at all for hating it. My posts here have been an attempt to explain to other users why I personally find it fun, and possibly to help prevent users who are undecided on it from getting a bad opinion of it based on all the other posts in this thread. I personally think users should give a shot, and decide for themselves if they hate it, instead of being turned away by people whining about all the "problems" it has, when the only "problem" is that it's a mod clearly not designed for their taste in gameplay. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. There is however something very wrong with trying to convince users to never try one of the best mods on this site, just because you personally don't like it.

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You really seem obsessive. A fantasy game is a fantasy game. If you like being killed in 1 hit, fine, that is great. However, I don't like how you act like if you don't you are god like. Again, it's fantasy for a reason.


To some people, dieing in 1 hit isn't fun. I can do that in real life >.>. The point of games is to be able to do things you can't in real life. To be something you couldn't be.


Frankly, I think you are putting Requiem way to high on a pedestal and knocking everything else with out thinking about how your opinion means nothing to others. What you like ..ISN'T what everyone else likes. I don't even think you realize that your words are belittling people. Requiem requires you to think? OH ... really? Are you calling everyone who doesn't use it stupid or something? I am sorry to tell you this, but I have to come up with some pretty crazy strategies just to survive with SkyRe and ASIS. So I really don't know what the hell you are talking about. How do I take down 15 bandits in a building, 4+ of which that can kill me in a couple hits? So trust .. me .. it requires thinking.


Just because I can survive more then 1 arrow doesn't make the game any less easier, because the same goes with NPCs.


"Even in skyre on legendary difficulty, it still takes about twice as may hits to kill me as my average enemy"


It also takes probably twice as many hits to kill enemies if not more. Requiem offers a new challenge. I would not go as far to say it's harder or to act like it requires more thinking. It requires different thinking and that is all.


So I really suggest you think before you talk. I don't mind if you like Requiem better, I respect that. But don't belittle others telling them Requiem actually requires one to think as if the other mods don't. That is very offensive, so get off your high horse.


Edit: I also noticed you talking about intelligence, so I might as well come out and say my IQ is about 130, so I don't have any issues with using my intelligence and yet, I still personally find SkyRe a challenge enough. Maybe it's because I don't power level my way through my games. I am big on roleplay.


I really wouldn't have much of an issue with you, if you didn't come off so snobby.


Did you even read my post at all? It seems like you just glanced through, picked up a few key phrases, then started bashing me for having a different opinion then you. I said myself I liked SkyRe a lot, and that I totally understand WHY people don't like requiem and that it's not for everyone, I also did not say ANYTHING remotely close to requiem being "the only mod that requires one to think" nor did I say anything about SkyRe not requiring thinking. I said Requiem requires more PLANNING then SkyRe which is VERY TRUE and is a flat out FACT based on how the mod is designed, and has nothing to do with intelligence, or how 'good' requiem is, or me trying to insult someone, just MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE.


You get off your high horse, and stop acting like everything people say is some shallow minded attempt at insulting you, and stop being offended by, and insulting people who disagree with you. Stop making crap up and putting words in my mouth for no reason at all, YOU are the only one being "highly insulting" here. I am trying to have an intelligent conversation about a mod I like, and you are bashing away at me blindly for no reason at all, and not saying anything that has anything to do with the mod we are talking about. This is a GAME, if you are honestly this damn insulted by me having different opinions on a GAME then you then maybe you shouldn't be playing it.


Also, If your IQ is 130 then why are you fussing at me for having a different opinion then you, like your a 12 year old brat? I have every right to praise a mod I like, especially when everyone else in the thread is talking down on it, you have no right whatsoever to call me out, insult me, put words in my mouth and take insult where no insult is meant and try to act like it's MY fault you are insulted by MY opinion about a VIDEO GAME.


Also, my IQ is around 155, it's been above 140 since I was 13, I was pretty much born a mathematical genius, but that has NOTHING to do with Skyrim, Requiem, this forum, or what we are talking about, and does not make my opinions, or my ideas any more credible, nor does it mean I think other people are stupid for not liking the mods I like, it simply means that I PERSONALLY like mods that challenge me a great deal, and I PERSONALLY will praise the mods I like because I PERSONALLY LIKE THEM. IQ has nothing to do with anything involved here, and if you honestly considered yourself truly intelligent, you would not take insult to your intelligence so easily, especially when it is VERY clear no insult was meant whatsoever. You don't like Requiem? Fine, don't use. Right me a ten page book WHY you don't like it, list every problem you can think of with it. Don't insult me and try to make me out to be the bad guy for liking something different then you do.


Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go back to having an intelligent adult conversation about this mod, as apposed to randomly mindless bashing of people's opinions.


On an on topic note, I find being one-hitted by enemies very fun when I can one hit them back. The adrenaline rush I feel from battles in Requiem is unlike any other mod I have ever played, and that's the reason I play it. Not for some imaginary ego god complex where I feel like I'm smarter then everyone else in the world for playing it, that's just totally stupid, I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm smart. I play with Requiem simply because I find it FUN. That's what video games are suppose to be. FUN. Some people find being put up against impossible odds and insanely powerful enemies, while having to claw my way through impossible odds, so that every inch is a victory more fun then running around doing whatever strikes my fancy and using insanely powerful abilities to fight other insanely powerful enemies. Some people really enjoy feeling insanely powerful, like they can do whatever they want, and that they can do things they can never do in real life. SOME PEOPLE DON'T. Some people like to feel connected to there character, like their character suffers from the same limitations they do, so it feels all that much more accomplishing when they complete impossible tasks. Different people have different opinions and play the game differently. I don't care at all if you hate requiem because you like to feel powerful and do things you can't do in real life. Requiem is simply not designed for that, so it makes since you would hate it, and I don't blame you at all for hating it. My posts here have been an attempt to explain to other users why I personally find it fun, and possibly to help prevent users who are undecided on it from getting a bad opinion of it based on all the other posts in this thread. I personally think users should give a shot, and decide for themselves if they hate it, instead of being turned away by people whining about all the "problems" it has, when the only "problem" is that it's a mod clearly not designed for their taste in gameplay. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. There is however something very wrong with trying to convince users to never try one of the best mods on this site, just because you personally don't like it.



First of all, I hardly insulted you. I only pointed out portions of your post that sound rather insulting and snobby. Take that how ever you wish.


I was just pointing out that I don't agree with what you say. To me it seems like you are the one getting overly hot headed here. Simply by saying .. sorry that isn't what I meant would have sufficed, and I would have apologized for taking your post wrongly.


lol ... well ... anyway, I apologize either way, I didn't mean to be rude.


Heck, I even pointed out several times, I am fine with your choice in liking Requiem, just as long as you don't insinuate that it requires more intelligence, strategy, or something. Or that it is better.


Also, intelligence has very little to do with social interactions. Just because someone is intelligence, doesn't mean they will know what someone means through a block of text. Just figured I should point that out, since you seemed to think it plays a part in intelligence.


Also, when I tell people my IQ .. I always choose my lowest score, never my highest. Though I personally never scored 155.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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You really seem obsessive. A fantasy game is a fantasy game. If you like being killed in 1 hit, fine, that is great. However, I don't like how you act like if you don't you are god like. Again, it's fantasy for a reason.


To some people, dieing in 1 hit isn't fun. I can do that in real life >.>. The point of games is to be able to do things you can't in real life. To be something you couldn't be.


Frankly, I think you are putting Requiem way to high on a pedestal and knocking everything else with out thinking about how your opinion means nothing to others. What you like ..ISN'T what everyone else likes. I don't even think you realize that your words are belittling people. Requiem requires you to think? OH ... really? Are you calling everyone who doesn't use it stupid or something? I am sorry to tell you this, but I have to come up with some pretty crazy strategies just to survive with SkyRe and ASIS. So I really don't know what the hell you are talking about. How do I take down 15 bandits in a building, 4+ of which that can kill me in a couple hits? So trust .. me .. it requires thinking.


Just because I can survive more then 1 arrow doesn't make the game any less easier, because the same goes with NPCs.


"Even in skyre on legendary difficulty, it still takes about twice as may hits to kill me as my average enemy"


It also takes probably twice as many hits to kill enemies if not more. Requiem offers a new challenge. I would not go as far to say it's harder or to act like it requires more thinking. It requires different thinking and that is all.


So I really suggest you think before you talk. I don't mind if you like Requiem better, I respect that. But don't belittle others telling them Requiem actually requires one to think as if the other mods don't. That is very offensive, so get off your high horse.


Edit: I also noticed you talking about intelligence, so I might as well come out and say my IQ is about 130, so I don't have any issues with using my intelligence and yet, I still personally find SkyRe a challenge enough. Maybe it's because I don't power level my way through my games. I am big on roleplay.


I really wouldn't have much of an issue with you, if you didn't come off so snobby.


Did you even read my post at all? It seems like you just glanced through, picked up a few key phrases, then started bashing me for having a different opinion then you. I said myself I liked SkyRe a lot, and that I totally understand WHY people don't like requiem and that it's not for everyone, I also did not say ANYTHING remotely close to requiem being "the only mod that requires one to think" nor did I say anything about SkyRe not requiring thinking. I said Requiem requires more PLANNING then SkyRe which is VERY TRUE and is a flat out FACT based on how the mod is designed, and has nothing to do with intelligence, or how 'good' requiem is, or me trying to insult someone, just MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE.


You get off your high horse, and stop acting like everything people say is some shallow minded attempt at insulting you, and stop being offended by, and insulting people who disagree with you. Stop making crap up and putting words in my mouth for no reason at all, YOU are the only one being "highly insulting" here. I am trying to have an intelligent conversation about a mod I like, and you are bashing away at me blindly for no reason at all, and not saying anything that has anything to do with the mod we are talking about. This is a GAME, if you are honestly this damn insulted by me having different opinions on a GAME then you then maybe you shouldn't be playing it.


Also, If your IQ is 130 then why are you fussing at me for having a different opinion then you, like your a 12 year old brat? I have every right to praise a mod I like, especially when everyone else in the thread is talking down on it, you have no right whatsoever to call me out, insult me, put words in my mouth and take insult where no insult is meant and try to act like it's MY fault you are insulted by MY opinion about a VIDEO GAME.


Also, my IQ is around 155, it's been above 140 since I was 13, I was pretty much born a mathematical genius, but that has NOTHING to do with Skyrim, Requiem, this forum, or what we are talking about, and does not make my opinions, or my ideas any more credible, nor does it mean I think other people are stupid for not liking the mods I like, it simply means that I PERSONALLY like mods that challenge me a great deal, and I PERSONALLY will praise the mods I like because I PERSONALLY LIKE THEM. IQ has nothing to do with anything involved here, and if you honestly considered yourself truly intelligent, you would not take insult to your intelligence so easily, especially when it is VERY clear no insult was meant whatsoever. You don't like Requiem? Fine, don't use. Right me a ten page book WHY you don't like it, list every problem you can think of with it. Don't insult me and try to make me out to be the bad guy for liking something different then you do.


Now, if you don't mind, I would like to go back to having an intelligent adult conversation about this mod, as apposed to randomly mindless bashing of people's opinions.


On an on topic note, I find being one-hitted by enemies very fun when I can one hit them back. The adrenaline rush I feel from battles in Requiem is unlike any other mod I have ever played, and that's the reason I play it. Not for some imaginary ego god complex where I feel like I'm smarter then everyone else in the world for playing it, that's just totally stupid, I don't need to prove to anyone that I'm smart. I play with Requiem simply because I find it FUN. That's what video games are suppose to be. FUN. Some people find being put up against impossible odds and insanely powerful enemies, while having to claw my way through impossible odds, so that every inch is a victory more fun then running around doing whatever strikes my fancy and using insanely powerful abilities to fight other insanely powerful enemies. Some people really enjoy feeling insanely powerful, like they can do whatever they want, and that they can do things they can never do in real life. SOME PEOPLE DON'T. Some people like to feel connected to there character, like their character suffers from the same limitations they do, so it feels all that much more accomplishing when they complete impossible tasks. Different people have different opinions and play the game differently. I don't care at all if you hate requiem because you like to feel powerful and do things you can't do in real life. Requiem is simply not designed for that, so it makes since you would hate it, and I don't blame you at all for hating it. My posts here have been an attempt to explain to other users why I personally find it fun, and possibly to help prevent users who are undecided on it from getting a bad opinion of it based on all the other posts in this thread. I personally think users should give a shot, and decide for themselves if they hate it, instead of being turned away by people whining about all the "problems" it has, when the only "problem" is that it's a mod clearly not designed for their taste in gameplay. And there is NOTHING wrong with that. There is however something very wrong with trying to convince users to never try one of the best mods on this site, just because you personally don't like it.



First of all, I hardly insulted you. I only pointed out portions of your post that sound rather insulting and snobby. Take that how ever you wish.


I was just pointing out that I don't agree with what you say. To me it seems like you are the one getting overly hot headed here. Simply by saying .. sorry that isn't what I meant would have sufficed, and I would have apologized for taking your post wrongly.


lol ... well ... anyway, I apologize either way, I didn't mean to be rude.


Heck, I even pointed out several times, I am fine with your choice in liking Requiem, just as long as you don't insinuate that it requires more intelligence, strategy, or something. Or that it is better.


Also, intelligence has very little to do with social interactions. Just because someone is intelligence, doesn't mean they will know what someone means through a block of text. Just figured I should point that out, since you seemed to think it plays a part in intelligence.


Also, when I tell people my IQ .. I always choose my lowest score, never my highest. Though I personally never scored 155.


Actually, IQ does have some to do with social interactions, I for example, am horrible at them, if you can't tell. I am also very defense, this has nothing to do with my intelligence though, I'm so use to people being mean to me IRL and on other sites that I snap at people without meaning too. lol I'm rather... different. Being very flamboyant and obnoxious are not the best personality traits for making friends on the internet. I also tend to get rude without even meaning to, because I suck at realizing how I'm coming off to other people, and I apologize for that. I'm kinda like Sheldon from the big bang theory, in my mind I'm being nice and helpful, but everyone else sees me as a know it all d-bag. XD ... also, don't take anything I say personally, I am very hormonal and moody thanks to my 'circumstances' and I don't mean it.


Oh, and 155 is not my highest score, but my rough average. The highest I ever scored was 177, but I would never say my IQ is NEAR that high, mostly because I only scored that high the once, and because it was a timed test, and my speed of finishing is what made my score so high. Being able to be smart faster doesn't really make you 20 IQ points smarter. lol Every test is very different, I have scored around 135 on some, but on average I score from 150~159 (hitting 160 is way harder then hitting 159, as that is 'legal genius' XD ) I kinda take them for fun. The most 'official' one I ever took I scored a 149, so I do usually say it's around 150. I hope by the time I turn 30 I can score 160 on that same test! =3


Anyways, we have gotten a bit off topic here. lol I honestly can't even think of more stuff to say about requiem, considering I've only been using it for like, 4 days, so I think I'm just going to go find another thread to bug.

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