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My life is too dangerous with Requiem


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so if you are in the middle of nowhere and anything to heal

Hmm, I wonder what the problem is. Must be the mod and not your preparation or play style.


I was thinking this exact thing... My character always has something like, a dozen or so health potions on him if I leave on an adventure from one city to another.


Also, I was a HUGE fan of morrowind, and I do agree requiem makes skyrim feel like morrowind, but with MORE of that classic hard-core RPG. I guess it's just as simple as, if you didn't grow up playing hard core RPGs, you simply can't take requiem. I mean, if you play on any respectable difficulty for morrowind you have to start leveling up by killing mudcrabs and other weak critters. I remember the very first time I died playing any elder scrolls game, I was killed by a slaughterfish in morrowind. I was playing an argonian. lol


Having played through a beat vanilla skyrim, I personally find it "unplayable" because all turning the difficult up does is make you do less damage and enemies do more damage. it just makes things frustrating, there is no challenge or skill required to beat skyrim on legendary, just bulky armor, big swords, and tons of smithing, enchanting and alchemy. In requiem, things are hard as hell, but everything has a trick to it. Big tough bandit in heavy armor got you down? stun him with a shield bash, jog backwards about 20 steps and start pelting him with arrows. When he charges at you, just swap back to your shield in a hurry, then repeat the process.


Also, the way you describe stamina is really only how stamina works if you are using big giant army, a big giant shield, and a big giant weapon and aren't really particularly skilled in any of them. I have one khajiit character that uses no melee weapons, archery, and light armor. Unless I'm firing several arrows back to back, I almost never run out of stamina. I also love that requiem allows to to manually edit the jump height of your character for no real reason, in my opinions khajiits should be able to jump about 50% higher then most races, I mean, in real life cats can jump about 10 times there body length. Really requiem is so customizable, if you can't manage to make it work, it's your lack of trying that's at fault, no requiem.


I personally hated the sound of requiem before I tried it, but now that I have I love it. lol It's funny, a lot of people try to say it's like darksouls or whatever, and that's why i didn't want to give it a shot, but I hated that game, just making it so that everything in existence can one hit kill you is not remotely fun or challenging, just annoying. I didn't honestly fear certain enemies or anything, or use skill to win, it felt more like blind luck and running around like a doffus was the only thing that kept me alive, if I stopped to think, something killed me. lol Yeah, I usually learned my lesson and didn't let the same thing kill me again, but having to dye every time you encounter a new enemy just isn't fun. In requiem, if you don't stop and think constantly, almost anything can kill you, it's true. But, if you think it through, plan ahead, every situation is survivable. I can go ages in requiem without dying, simply by knowing when to avoid combat, and knowing when is a good chance to get some kills in to level up. Last night I even managed to get a giant pissed off at me, and ACTUALLY KILLED IT. I climbed up on top of a big rock formation, and It took me about an hour of pelting him with arrows (luckily since archery was one of this characters main forms of attack I had like 100 iron arrows on me) but I killed a giant at level 2 on requiem. lol

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Requiem doesn't really have much to do with Morrowind. I think they try too much with realism, and they forget the game. Restoring health is ridicolously hard. Only magic and potkons can restore health, and if your health is at 1% you just can't move, so if you are in the middle of nowhere and anything to heal it will take you two hours to get to the nearest city.

Stamina system is even worse than Morrowind. At first levels, run for 1 minute and you are exausted. Swing your sword one time and you are exausted.

There's no challenge in this. No matter if overpowered draugrs, dumb perks to wear some iron boots are "realistic". I can't play with this mod because it's not fun for me and I won't level up with mudcrabs just to be stronger.

Actually i remember beating up mudcrabs in Morrowind while constantly jumping up and down, after i noticed that it levels up the acrobatics skill :tongue:

The major problem with this in Requiem seems to be that there are Sabrecats and Trolls everywhere around Riverwood and Whiterun.



Just tried Requiem. Uninstalling it. There is, literally, NOTHING to do in Skyrim at low levels with Requiem installed. Bandit spawns are quadrupled in places, when a single bandit is enough to kill you and two at once are suicide. Most animals in the game will kill you in one to two hits. You can't explore, can't fight, can't sneak past.


The immersion changes Requiem makes are fantastic, and I would love to have those, and those alone. The rebalance...isn't. There is nothing balanced about Requiem; its too hard to even approach any semblance of fun. Which is a shame, as I really liked it other than this.

Doesn't sound like you gave it much of a chance. It's supposed to be played like older RPGs, like Morrowind for example. You have to start the weak low levels smart and slow.


To the OP, like the above suggested, bows are great. If you're looking for good creatures to fight at low levels for easy experience without needing much in the way of armor/weapons/enchants, etc, try mudcrabs and wolves. Remember, you can also turn down the difficulty in the MCM I think by lowering the damage dealt. If you really are suffering with the low levels and just want a little break to get used to Requiem, try that. Followers also help a ton, since you can get them to do the work while you build your character up.


Alright, but where do i get followers in Requiem?


Sven/Faendal --> Are no longer available after doing their quest

Jenassa --> Sure i got 500g after my trip to Whiterun... oh wait she costs 5000g now, start saving now but the horse also costs 7k and i don't even want to know what Breezehome will cost

Uthgerd --> Yes faithful old Uthgerdy will save me, but there she goes and knocks me out in 5 seconds


Don't get me wrong, i surely love a challenge, but after trying to start the game as a wizard and getting oneshotted by EVERYTHING isn't exactly fun and just ends in reload-o-rama like some japanese hardcore console game. Actually managed to reach level 4 by exploiting AI in every single fight (water/rocks/fences) and mixing in some fear spells, only to find out that i can't invest any perks into my intended core skill trees because everything past the first perk requires 25 skill.


After what some people have been describing ("at first levels, use a bow") it all seems to boil down to the "path of least resistance", which i believe is the main flaw of how Skyrim is designed. Fallout New Vegas honestly does the RPG part so much better since you get to choose your skills on levelup, like you should in classic RPGs.


About SkyRe, been playing that for some time but all the hassle with ReProccer and hundreds of compatibility patches isn't worth it, since you still become godlike at around level 30 and can just whirlwind through everything including "Deadly Dragons".

Requiem seems to be great out of the box, just started over with a fresh install using only ENB, some texture packs, Flora overhaul, Better Dialogue/Messagebox Controls and it feels much more like a complete game than some previous SkyRe installs with dozens of other mods on top of it.


Just that one thing about the difficulty curve - I've been playing PC games for over 25 years, and i damn sure can tell you that games are supposed to become progressively more difficult, just like a movie should build up more tension in the storyline etc.

Getting oneshotted by the first opponents, going immediately out of magicka by casting a skeleton that should lasts 10 seconds but also dies in 1-2 hits without dealing damage, having to wait 5 minutes AFK to regain mana and all that is just ridiculous and drives most players away.


And honestly there's nothing heroic or even remotely skilled in sitting on top of a rock at level 2 and kill a giant, that's just exploiting the AI (like i had to by jumping into the water 5 times in the embershard mine). I also remember doing that in my first Skyrim playthrough, but at least in Vanilla only the Giants and Mammoths are oneshotting the player (and not every silly arrow from a raised skeleton or bandit).

Also using anything like UFO/AFT is simply cheating by definition. You're not supposed to have several followers in this game, although i still have to find out where to get even one. May i remind people that those early followers are supposed to make playstyles like archer/mage possible at all, maybe Requiem just isn't designed for anything else than warrior in mind.


Well, i guess i'll take the carriage to Winterhold and see how that turns out for a level 4 "wizard" :smile:

Edited by ScrollTron1c
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I hate to be blunt, but I don't like people who act like Requiem is better just because it is harder. There is a point where harder isn't better, it's just stupid.


I love survival games, and hardcore games. I don't like games that make enemies so over powered that they can kill you in 1 hit, but you seem to need 20. It makes no sense. Maybe, I just like my games more realistic and immersive.


I also find it's pretty hilarious some people are saying SkyRe is easy. What the heck difficulty are you playing on? Maybe you should try installing ASIS with it?


I mean what do you all consider easy and hard? Do you really need to die 20 - 30 times for something to be considered hard? Do you really need to die at least a certain amount in any given time for it to be hard?


Cause I play with SkyRe all the time, and when you get to a high level, you can take on certain enemies a heck of a lot easier because you are progressing. However, just because you can take on some enemies easy, doesn't make you a god. It just means you faced a weak foe. Do you really expect every single npc to be on par with you the whole way? To be able to just kill you no matter how strong you get?


I really am confused by this. It's great some of you like to play in this manner, but don't act like it's the better way to play, just because it's harder.


It's worse when people say SkyRe allows you to be god like -.-, think you all should raise the difficulty.


Edit: Oh and by the way. .I am 26 ..I grew up playing hard core RPG games and I still think Requiem is ridiculous. So don't BS me.


Edit Edit: It's pathetic if you think you need to be able to die by a mud crab at first. It's a mud crab .. ... -.-

1 arrow should kill it.


I think the issue is some of you are too obsessed with the old. If I want that feeling, I go back and play an old game. New games ... I like that they are more balanced, more realistic, and make more sense then those old games.

Edited by Brabbit1987
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I hate to be blunt, but I don't like people who act like Requiem is better just because it is harder. There is a point where harder isn't better, it's just stupid.


I love survival games, and hardcore games. I don't like games that make enemies so over powered that they can kill you in 1 hit, but you seem to need 20. It makes no sense. Maybe, I just like my games more realistic and immersive.


I also find it's pretty hilarious some people are saying SkyRe is easy. What the heck difficulty are you playing on? Maybe you should try installing ASIS with it?


I mean what do you all consider easy and hard? Do you really need to die 20 - 30 times for something to be considered hard? Do you really need to die at least a certain amount in any given time for it to be hard?


Cause I play with SkyRe all the time, and when you get to a high level, you can take on certain enemies a heck of a lot easier because you are progressing. However, just because you can take on some enemies easy, doesn't make you a god. It just means you faced a weak foe. Do you really expect every single npc to be on par with you the whole way? To be able to just kill you no matter how strong you get?


I really am confused by this. It's great some of you like to play in this manner, but don't act like it's the better way to play, just because it's harder.


It's worse when people say SkyRe allows you to be god like -.-, think you all should raise the difficulty.


Edit: Oh and by the way. .I am 26 ..I grew up playing hard core RPG games. So don't BS me.

I'm quite sure that SkyRe is designed to be played on Normal difficulty. The "difficulty slider" only reduces player damage and increases monster damage, it doesn't make the AI any smarter and thus just makes the player spend more time at the forge, drinking more potions etc.

At least i found myself going down the path with enchanting / blacksmithing / alchemy all the time, and a daedric artifact as weapon because the charges on enchantments in Elder Scrolls games are one of the most retarded inventions in RPGs ever. And SkyRe actually buffs them (daedric weapons) substantially because they are unleveled and thus at full power if you pick them up at level 10.

Edited by ScrollTron1c
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I hate to be blunt, but I don't like people who act like Requiem is better just because it is harder. There is a point where harder isn't better, it's just stupid.


I love survival games, and hardcore games. I don't like games that make enemies so over powered that they can kill you in 1 hit, but you seem to need 20. It makes no sense. Maybe, I just like my games more realistic and immersive.


I also find it's pretty hilarious some people are saying SkyRe is easy. What the heck difficulty are you playing on? Maybe you should try installing ASIS with it?


I mean what do you all consider easy and hard? Do you really need to die 20 - 30 times for something to be considered hard? Do you really need to die at least a certain amount in any given time for it to be hard?


Cause I play with SkyRe all the time, and when you get to a high level, you can take on certain enemies a heck of a lot easier because you are progressing. However, just because you can take on some enemies easy, doesn't make you a god. It just means you faced a weak foe. Do you really expect every single npc to be on par with you the whole way? To be able to just kill you no matter how strong you get?


I really am confused by this. It's great some of you like to play in this manner, but don't act like it's the better way to play, just because it's harder.


It's worse when people say SkyRe allows you to be god like -.-, think you all should raise the difficulty.


Edit: Oh and by the way. .I am 26 ..I grew up playing hard core RPG games. So don't BS me.

I'm quite sure that SkyRe is designed to be played on Normal difficulty. The "difficulty slider" only reduces player damage and increases monster damage, it doesn't make the AI any smarter and thus just makes the player spend more time at the forge, drinking more potions etc.

At least i found myself going down the path with enchanting / blacksmithing / alchemy all the time, and a daedric artifact as weapon because the charges on enchantments in Elder Scrolls games are one of the most retarded inventions in RPGs ever. And SkyRe actually buffs them (daedric weapons) substantially because they are unleveled and thus at full power if you pick them up at level 10.



I don't see how the AI is going to make such a significant difference in difficulty between SkyRe and Requiem. So it really doesn't matter what the difficulty slider does. AI can only do so much. A bandit shooting you and taking you down in 1 hit, isn't AI. You attacking a troll with 25+ arrows, isn't because of the AI.


Also, as I said, add ASIS to SkyRe and that makes it significantly harder with out having to move that slider.

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The first gameplay overhaul I played through with was SkyRe, and I found it fun for a while, but there came a point where it felt too much like "more of the same." After I beat it, I looked up other fantasy action/rpg games, and got my hands on another game. It was Dark Souls, and the way it played almost completely undid the fun I had with Skyrim. Damn-near turned me against it. Dark Souls actually felt like an old school game, but without any of the old school nonsense.


Anyone pining for the "old school RPG" days, should just be honest. I, for instance, consider Planescape: Torment to be my favorite game. But I wouldn't be caught dead playing it now-a-days. I've beaten it many times, and the only thing carrying it as a game is the story and the characters. Nostalgia has a habit of wrecking reality, since as a game, Planescape: Torment played the same way Marty Feldman looked.


Most modern games pretend to blur the lines between casual and hardcore gameplay, and the combat in Dark Souls felt like the perfect balance, with basic combat, but tough enemies and a huge element of uncertainty. So I tried to replicate that in Skyrim with mods. And the only full overhaul mod that could do that for me was Requiem.


If you think Requiem is moronically hard, which it is at first, then tweak the settings in SkyUi, download TKDodge (Script Dragon version for responsiveness), and get whatever weapon/magic/monster mods 'ya like. But that's just if you like the idea of Requiem, and not the execution.


As a mod, I love Requiem to death, but won't defend its nonsense. The perks are far too pointed, the new system is far too "build" based, and the design behind some of the damage values (from mages especially) are just facinorous beyond any reason. But I like that kind of crap. Before Requiem, I could kill NPCs with one arrow. Now I can kill most NPCs with one arrow, and most NPCs can kill me with one arrow. Seems fair to me.


I refuse to say that Requiem is "better" than other overhaul mods, but I'll say it's funner for me to use, minus wolves and mudcrabs at lower levels. That just feels broken.


As for feeling "realistic," I wouldn't bother trying that with any Skyrim mods. Realism isn't exactly something the engine seems capable of replicating.

Edited by Senviro
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The first gameplay overhaul I played through with was SkyRe, and I found it fun for a while, but there came a point where it felt too much like "more of the same." After I beat it, I looked up other fantasy action/rpg games, and got my hands on another game. It was Dark Souls, and the way it played almost completely undid the fun I had with Skyrim. Damn-near turned me against it. Dark Souls actually felt like an old school game, but without any of the old school nonsense.


Anyone pining for the "old school RPG" days, should just be honest. I, for instance, consider Planescape: Torment to be my favorite game. But I wouldn't be caught dead playing it now-a-days. I've beaten it many times, and the only thing carrying it as a game is the story and the characters. Nostalgia has a habit of wrecking reality, since as a game, Planescape: Torment played the same way Marty Feldman looked.


Most modern games pretend to blur the lines between casual and hardcore gameplay, and the combat in Dark Souls felt like the perfect balance, with basic combat, but tough enemies and a huge element of uncertainty. So I tried to replicate that in Skyrim with mods. And the only full overhaul mod that could do that for me was Requiem.


If you think Requiem is moronically hard, which it is at first, then tweak the settings in SkyUi, download TKDodge (Script Dragon version for responsiveness), and get whatever weapon/magic/monster mods 'ya like. But that's just if you like the idea of Requiem, and not the execution.


As a mod, I love Requiem to death, but won't defend its nonsense. The perks are far too pointed, the new system is far too "build" based, and the design behind some of the damage values (from mages especially) are just facinorous beyond any reason. But I like that kind of crap. Before Requiem, I could kill NPCs with one arrow. Now I can kill most NPCs with one arrow, and most NPCs can kill me with one arrow. Seems fair to me.


I refuse to say that Requiem is "better" than other overhaul mods, but I'll say it's funner for me to use, minus wolves and mudcrabs at lower levels. That just feels broken.


As for feeling "realistic," I wouldn't bother trying that with any Skyrim mods. Realism isn't exactly something the engine seems capable of replicating.


Well, I wouldn't ever want a game to replicate real life exactly. However, I do like my games to at least .. kinda make sense to some degree when it comes to balance.

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I'm not an expert of requiem, but the one thing that attracts me to it are the unique traits given to NPCs. Draugrs resistant to everything but silver and fire. Dwemer automatons having high armor, thus needing something blunt to beat them down (or shock). Trolls regenerate so fast that you need to stop their auto-regen. These things mean as a traditional sword and board paladin, I need to switch to different weapons based on situation. So I need a good mace for dwemer, a good silver weapon for draugr, and a fire-something for trolls. It adds a level of difficulty by simply changing what is needed for each encounter (and if you aren't prepared, you're fighting a losing battle).


Most other things I can find in a plethora of mods, but I haven't seen that style of edits (if someone knows a mod that does do this, I'd like a notice to check it out). Is that enough to use requiem for me? I'm still trying to decide that, but I did use requiem in my most fun and successful play-through (no major CTD problems, ended due to an Unfixable vanilla bug). Maybe it's nostalgia telling me that, but it did last 5 times longer than my SkyRe play-through (and that was due to my realizing I personally did not like SkyRe versus stopping due to an unfixable vanilla papyrus error).


As for those having issues, check the MCM, check the requiem forum posts, check the read me. If you don't find an answer in there that satisfies you, post for suggestions and advice. If nothing comes up, requiem may just not be for you. Requiem requires a different thought process, and it takes time to get used to (or it may not be for you). It isn't perfect, but it is unique.


Edit: typing on my phone is abysmally slow and autocorrect errors abound. Fixed the errors.

Edited by mightymuffin007
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You should really stop trying to bring the point that skyrim is harsh and unforgiving so requiem is more "realism"


If you want realism then


A. you wouldn't be able to carry all sorts of different weapons and still loot people

B. you wouldn't be carrying around 12+ potions unless you had a bag of some sort

C. you can't have true "realism" in a game with magic. magic instantly breaks realism.

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