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Mashup Texture Help


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<p>I used 3 or 4 different mashup mods to create a custom piece of armor for myself, everything went great until I got to the creation kit. Everything looks perfect in Nifskope but in the CK render it's missing the textures for the lower half of the body. This is my first attempt at modding aside from altering values in the CK so I really have no idea where I went wrong on this. Pics are the nifskope render vs CK render. After about 2 hours of browsing google/forums I still have no idea where I went wrong on it.</p>

<p> </p>


<p>I'm 90% certain it's got something to do with my values for Nitrishape's 22, 29, and 36 but I don't have the knowledge to know how to alter that properly.</p>

Edited by amoralimmortal
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Have you tried it in game first? Do your textures appear in game?


I'm new at modding too and even if you follow tutorials very closely, it is a long process of tries and errors. Last time i had textures showing in Nifscope but not in game nor in the CK had nothing to do with body parts. Something wrong in textures usually comes some mistaken editing of the BSshadinglightproperties when copying them from one file to another. In the BSshadinglightproperties block, there's a line that says either "CLAMP" or "WRAP", my understanding is it is either one or the other - most Vanilla armors use CLAMP, most modded armors use WRAP when they have been created with 3DS. Check what it was in the original piece of armor you used. And make sure they are the same in _0 and _1 nifs too of course.


Or even simpler mistake possible: your BSshadinglight properties are ok in your _0 Nif and not ok in the _1 Nif, or vice versa. Check that too.

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So what was it exporting wrong exactly? (only asking in cas it happens again to me too... ;))


PS; and sorry for the "funny" English, not my native language.

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