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All Skill points gone.


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I was using SkyRe and it stopped working, I checked my mod manager and it was disabled for some reason. I reactivated it and noted all my trees were messed up so I drank a respec potion.


It said it refunded all points back to me, but none were available


WTF just happened here?


Edit: Title should say Perk Points, not Skill Points.

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did you save the game while skyre was deactivated?

maybe check an older save if it has that issue?

I mean obviously the respec potion won't work if that was the case, deactivating skyre then saving would delete the skyre data from your save.


either way all you need to do is add your perks back.

Skytweak has a nice feature to add perk points, instead of having to look up the ID codes of all your skyre perks.


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