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Dynamic Interior Cell Generation [WIP]


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Heya All...


My name is Dejunai. I have gone by XmirroR and Dejaside, during other Edler Scrolls mod development.


I wrote the original ( but essential LOL ) PlainPaperFix for Morrowind... and was one of the founders for TES Modder's Den... and the original developer for Harvest[Flora] and Harvest[Containers] in Oblivion.


In Oblivion I developed a "Proof of Concept" mod that dynamically generated an interior cell (link to mod). I stopped development on it when I realized that without dynamic path nodes, or a more robust AI, Monsters and NPC were never going to function properly in the cells. I did continue development on it privately, and developed a number of workaround solutions for the AI, and a "Random Dungeon" as a whole. But did not release anything past the [POC] mod above, because mod development for Oblivion had dwindled to near non-existance. I didn't develop at all for FO3, or NV.



that it worked in Oblivion, LOL... and I am actively converting it to work in Skyrim, along with several other dynamic generation methods. Anyone interested in the project feel free to PM me, I dont model at all, but there is a great deal more I can do if I had a few customized models. I doubt I will want to develop an end-user mod, but if an individual or a team would like to incorporate this concept into an existing project, I would love to help. In the meantime, I will advance the concepts and proofs for Skyrim.


Glad to be back...


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