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[Scripting] Script to get the total power consumption of settlement?

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Good evening everybody!


Is there a way to make a script that "gets" the total power consumption value of a settlement?


For example:

A settlement might have 3 generators, each producting 20 units of power.

That means, the "power value" for that settlement will be 60.


I am pretty sure that you can "get" that value with a script.

But that is not what I mean!


I mean the ammount of power that gets actually consumed (for example 10 lights in that settlement that each consum 1 power, so the consumption would be 10)



What I eventually want to do is to calculate the "unused power" of a settlement.

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I'm using this in my EEE mod, it is operating on a specific power grid (if you have multiple, disjoint grids it will not mix them up):

Bool Function Test()
	Text_TestType = "Power Grid Analysis"
	ObjectReference[] aryGenerators = SampleGenerators()
	ObjectReference[] aryConsumers = SampleConsumers()	
	Int Generators = CountSharedGridNodes(aryGenerators, scrWorkshopParent.PowerGenerated, false, false)
	Int GeneratorsActive = CountSharedGridNodes(aryGenerators, scrWorkshopParent.PowerGenerated, true, false)
	Int Consumers = CountSharedGridNodes(aryConsumers, scrWorkshopParent.PowerRequired, false, false)
	Int ConsumersActive = CountSharedGridNodes(aryConsumers, scrWorkshopParent.PowerRequired, true, true)
	Int Generation = MeasureSharedGridNodes(aryGenerators, scrWorkshopParent.PowerGenerated, false, false)
	Int GenerationActive = MeasureSharedGridNodes(aryGenerators, scrWorkshopParent.PowerGenerated, true, false)
	Int Load = MeasureSharedGridNodes(aryConsumers, scrWorkshopParent.PowerRequired, false, false)
	Int LoadActive = MeasureSharedGridNodes(aryConsumers, scrWorkshopParent.PowerRequired, true, true)
	Int Reserve = Generation - Load
	Int ReserveActive = GenerationActive - LoadActive
	Text_TestResult = "Generators: " + Generators + " Connected, " + GeneratorsActive + " Active<br>Capacity: " + Generation + " Maximum, " + GenerationActive + " Actual"
	Text_TestResult2 = "<br>Consumers: " + Consumers + " Connected, " + ConsumersActive + " Active<br>Load: " + Load + " Maximum, " + LoadActive + " Actual<br>"
	Text_TestResult2 += "<br>Reserve: " + Reserve+ " Maximum, " + ReserveActive + " Actual"

ObjectReference[] Function SampleGenerators()
	Return FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(kwdWorkshopPowerConnection as Form, 30000 as float)

ObjectReference[] Function SampleConsumers()
	Return FindAllReferencesWithKeyword(kwdWorkshopCanBePowered as Form, 30000 as float)

Int Function CountSharedGridNodes(ObjectReference[] aryNodes, ActorValue requiredAV, bool requireClosedState, bool requirePower)
	Int i = 0
	Int c = 0
	While (i < aryNodes.Length)
		If (aryNodes[i].HasSharedPowerGrid(Self as ObjectReference))
			Bool bHasAV = (aryNodes[i].GetValue(requiredAV) > 0)
			Bool bIsClosed = (aryNodes[i].GetOpenState() == 3)
			Bool bHasPower = (aryNodes[i].IsPowered())
			Bool bIsValid = true
			If ((requiredAV != none) && (!bHasAV))
				bIsValid = false
			If ((requireClosedState) && (!bIsClosed))
				bIsValid = false
			If ((requirePower) && (!bHasPower))
				bIsValid = false
			If (bIsValid)
				c += 1
		i += 1
	Return c

Int Function MeasureSharedGridNodes(ObjectReference[] aryNodes, ActorValue measuredAV, bool requireClosedState, bool requirePower)
	Int i = 0
	Int s = 0
	While (i < aryNodes.Length)
		If (aryNodes[i].HasSharedPowerGrid(Self as ObjectReference))
			Int v = aryNodes[i].GetValue(measuredAV) as Int
			Bool bIsClosed = (aryNodes[i].GetOpenState() == 3)
			Bool bHasPower = (aryNodes[i].IsPowered())
			Bool bIsValid = true
			If ((requireClosedState) && (!bIsClosed))
				bIsValid = false
			If ((requirePower) && (!bHasPower))
				bIsValid = false
			If (bIsValid)
				s += v
		i += 1
	Return s
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