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Follower Wounded


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Sry for my bad english spelling :(


Hi my Follower Janessa just got wounded, and fell to her kneas and started krawling around.
No prob i finished of the Vampire Master on my own.
But she did not recover.
I culd not Heal her up, and culd not talk to her nothing.
She just crawld around on the ground folowing me.


So i reloaded last save ... and next fight same thing.

She got hit, went down right away, and never recoverd :(


I think i have her set to imortal.


enybody ever heard of this Bug / Glitch /Mod problem ?


I have Sky Re installed and a bunch of other mods.

My system is running fairly stable thus all the mods.

I followd all of Gophers cleaning up masterfiles guides.

and Boss only complains about one mod (dirty edits) and thatz "dance of Death"

Edited by Gingerny
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