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Is there a way to test (in script) if you are running on Xbone?


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As the "isXbox" condition is listed as obsolete, how do people change the way their mod works if running on Xbox (rather than PC)?

I don't want to have 2 versions of my mod, so want to bypass bits that are not supported on Xbone (such as F4SE).


I noticed someone using the fact that debug calls don't work on xbox as a detection mechanism, but I use 'release' compiles so they are already stripted out for even PC distribution.


On a related issue - I already have checks for F4SE (so my mods run with or without F4SE), so will that be sufficient for Xbone, or will the mere presense of F4SE functions in the scripts (that I don't call) be enought to stop it working?

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I have not found a way to consistently detect Xbox, but have infact never found the need as 99.98% of my scripted solutions are available for Xbox so I can use my own stuff when I travel. And to respect Microsoft's support in the matter.


Any F4SE script functions will stop the CK from compiling the scripts for Xbox archives during the publication process.

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