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Goddamn this game sometimes...


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My current game right now has saves that are so bloated that sometimes they just crash from me trying to open up a menu!


Why the hell can't there be some kind of mod that lets you play in some sort of "debug" mode where the game's "CTD trigger" is deactivated? Or would something like that cause your PC to catch fire?

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I seem to recall there was some kind of crash prevention utility on the nexus, but it was concluded that bypassing ctds would cause more damage to the save game, and so it was a terrible idea to use it.


if you could answer the following questions we might be able to help you:


1. Could you post your current load order?
2. Have you cleaned all your mods using TES5Edit?
3. Are you using BOSS to correctly sort your load order? If yes, can you post a copy of your BOSS log?
4. Which version of SKSE(if you have it) are you using?
5. Which version of Skyrim are you using?
6. Do you have Papyrus debugging enabled, and can you post a copy of the log next time you get a crash?
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if you use skse open up skyrim with the skse launcher and open up the console while ingame. type in clearinvalidregistrations.

also edit (or create a new) skse.ini under skyrim/data/skse and in that ini paste



that means ,while playing, it will slowly find unused scripts and will remove them. it wont reduce your file size immediately, but bit per bit.
if you cant even load the savegame then you are in big trouble.
then the last possible solutions is the debloat mod.
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if you use skse open up skyrim with the skse launcher and open up the console while ingame. type in clearinvalidregistrations.

also edit (or create a new) skse.ini under skyrim/data/skse and in that ini paste



that means ,while playing, it will slowly find unused scripts and will remove them. it wont reduce your file size immediately, but bit per bit.
if you cant even load the savegame then you are in big trouble.
then the last possible solutions is the debloat mod.

Did that. It only helps so much...


I even tried that whole "remove embedded scripts" procedure, but it results in too many crashes/glitches.


Stupid save format...

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