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Anyone with VR modding experience? Specifically from a scripting point of view.


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Questions like:

- Is there a script function/hack to detect VR mode (so you can have a single psc for both - less change management work) - even an ini setting test?

- I would of thought 'gestures' and hand controller buttons would map to standard events (OnActivate etc) and 'keys' - is that the case?

- Clearly there is no '3rd person' view so they must have changed a lot of the animation system (many action subgraph entries force 3rd person) - what happens if you 'playerref.playidleaction()' on these? Are there VR versions? Seems "ActionInteractionExit" (exit furniture sitting) does nothing - for instance.

- Do 3rd person calls (e.g. game.forcethirdperson()) get ignored, or break everything?

- There is an F4SEVR - do all the same extension calls exist and work as intended? Documentation has nothing to say on this.


Any information would be helpful.



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For reasons that are 'Bethesda' it seems like the above doesn't work even though 'why have a fallout4_VR.esm if you don't use it!' sort of question...

So, anyone have an idea how to detect your mod is running on Fallout4 VR? I have the fallout4.esm for VR but I know of no way to compare esm's for 'differences'.


Edit: Well, it is used (and loaded) but neither isplugininstalled or getformfromfile seems to work - at least not if you have esl flagged esp's in your modlist.


It seems all esl and esm flagged mods are loaded as normal (esp) mods in F4VR, so FO4VREdit has it totally wrong.

From in game fallout4_VR.esm is loaded LAST after all your mods. I wonder if this is messing up getformfromfile... F4VR is a mess...

Edited by PJMail
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Thanks for that - I wish I had known of that feature way back - makes finding what changes have occured (when a mod is updated) trivial!


Surprise (or not) - the Fallout 4 esm in FO4VR is identical to the pre-CC version for FO4, so the onlyl changes between FO4 and FO4VR I have found are:

- new exe (fallout4VR.exe)

- no CC content in fallout4.esm (and an old revision - 0.95)

- CC content missing from Texture, meshes, material, and interface ba2's

- extra 'mod' Fallout4_VR.esm (with quite trivial content)


So VR is actually an 88MB 'mod' on top of pre-CC Fallout4 plus a new exe...

Talk about a cash grab - making it a 'new' product with a 45GB download...

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For anyone interested - the following works as a test in script to see if you are running on FO4VR:


Bool IsFO4VR = (Game.GetForm(0x50377) as Furniture).Haskeyword(Game.GetForm(0xB7DB3) as keyword)


Also some F4VRSE functions cause CTD's (any Matswap ones for instance).

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