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Skyrim mods work/don't work


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Hello, so I've been playing skyrim a while and I know it inside and out. I recently began playing it on the PC and enjoyed it a lot more. I started modding and all was going perfectly well, mods were working everything was fine.


I then installed a mod you have probably heard of SKSE. When I use the SKSE launcher, it loads no mods apart from SKSE. When I use the traditional TESV.exe it loads all my mods perfectly fine, apart from SKSE. The mod I'm trying to run depends on SKSE, yet the SKSE launcher only runs skyrim and itself, no other mods.


So if the TESV.exe runs all my mods fine bar SKSE,


And SKSE only runs itself, I need help. Since I am knew to this.


I use NMM and it says all my mods are active and fine.

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This is pretty intriguing, are you sure you installed SKSE correctly? Make sure you do not put the src file in your skyrim directory that is only for mod authors. Also there are several good YouTube videos outlining the process its fairly simple.
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