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Unable to launch game without Point Lookout


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I had point lookout activated for a save that I use but disabled it after not using it for a while. Then I stopped playing for several months and have just gone back to it. Now for some reason, the riverboat is still at the dock by the Pentagon even though the point lookout esm is disabled. However, when I go near it, the game crashes. I don't have any ESP files that depend on it. I try reactivatibg it and all is fine. I then save and quit and disable it. Reload the game and crash like before. Removing the point lookout esm and BSA files from the fallout 3 directory and the game crashes at the PLEASE WAIT loading screen. Anyone know what's going on and how to fix this?
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GrayWolf04 - Hello!


You must have a Point Lookout patch of some kind in your load order.


If you have a single plugin that uses Point Lookout as a master then it does not matter if it's unticked, the game will still load it's assets as if it was ticked as long as the .esm & .bdsa are in your Data folder.


This is further borne out by the game crashing on startup when you do remove the Point Lookout .esm & .bsa, that's typical behaviour when a plugin is missing it's master.


Check for Point Lookout patches, things like Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp.


Also many patches called "DLC" require all 5 DLC's.


If you have a Merged Patch that was made before removing Point Lookout,it may have bits of the DLC data in there. It should be remade.


You can find out if any mod you are unsure of has Point Lookout as it's master in your mod manager, you can left click on each of the plugins & their Masters will be listed at the bottom.


If you still can't track down the cause, turn off your mods one at a time checking between each to see when the game stops crashing on startup. That way you can find the culprit


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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GrayWolf04 - Hello!


Does Fallout 3 launch when you untick all of your mods?


If so you'll know for sure it's one of your mods.


In that case turn them back on one at a time while trying to launch between each to find the culprit.



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