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Animation mod...dropped bottles...


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So you quaff a potion, or drink an ale... and the bottle disappears from your hand.


Yep, you know what I'm talking about. One of the most un-immersive elements of Skyrim adventuring; the disappearing bottle.


It goes up to your mouth, then, your hand goes down and the bottle magically disappears.


Why not include a bottle-tossing animation? You drink the potion, and an empty bottle falls from your hand to litter the Skyrim landscape? Sure, you can leave your trash lying about, making some Native American cry like the old commercials, or you can go back and pick up your empty bottle and take it to your nearest landfill...


Empty bottles already exist in-game. And you know that if you were REALLY in combat, you wouldn't tuck that empty healing bottle into your backpack. Nope, it would be tossed aside as you prepare for the next attack.


In fact, you could have two different bottle dropping animations: in combat and out of combat. In combat, the bottle gets thrown because you're in a rush to re-arm yourself. Out of combat, it drops straight to the ground.


Anyway, that's my latest take on "Needed Mods for Skyrim."

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  • 4 weeks later...

The issue is that theres no way to check for when a potion has been drunk globally. You have to add an effect with a script to drop a bottle, 1 by one to each potion. Which means manual patches would be required for any mod added potions too.

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