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This script drives me crazy and nuts - HEEELP!


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In that case PositionCell would be a bit faster as State 3 and 4 wouldn't be necessary.


But - despite of hating relative math - I see how your formula works for other shelfs, which makes it easier to convert since the exact bottle location will be calculated according the shelf location. :thumbsup:


Nice work, I often go the longer way to avoid such formula's as I fear that I mess up the calculation by not being that good with math. ^^





Yes, I know. But position cell can only turn an object in Z angle as I do turn it in all 3 axes.

That's true.

Which then requires SetAngle X and SetAngle Y used separately.

After using PositionCell.


As everything should happen within the same frame, I doubt that Havok will kick in and make a mess. ^^



Ah, just checked on SetAngle... Seems this one either doesn't update the collision box on the object. :(



This would require further testing. Maybe it's not bad for the shelf, but if so then the method with enabling and disabling seems really to be the only way. :(

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Lots of set in the check for bottle function changed to Let and I changed the scribe to printc, in case I publish the debug by mistake. We will get offset info from it now and be in full control - hopefully

scn PekCheckBottleTypesFUN

string_var Path
string_var CompPatch

Ref BottleRef
;Ref BottleBaseRef
Ref EmptyRef

Float RNDBottleFL

Short RNDBottleSH
Short BeerTurnCOBL
Short BottlesAmmount
Short ItemType
Short Turn

Short BottleType
	; Beer 		1
	; Wine01 	2
	; Wine02 	3
	; Milk		4
Begin Function {}

	Label 0

	Set EmptyRef to 0
	Set BottleType to 0

	Let BottlesAmmount := DrinksCabinet01Ref.GetNumItems + 1
	Let RNDBottleFL := Rand 0 BottlesAmmount
	Set RNDBottleSH to RNDBottleFL

	Let BottleRef := DrinksCabinet01Ref.GetInventoryObject RNDBottleSH

	If eval ( BottleRef != EmptyRef || BottleRef == DrinksCabinet01Ref)
		Let ItemType := GetObjectType BottleRef
	If ( ItemType != 40 )
		Let BottlesAmmount += 1
		Set Turn to BottlesAmmount
		Printc "Item Type == %.0f - BottleRef = %i %n" ItemType BottleRef BottleRef
		While ( Turn > -1 )
			Printc "Turn = %.0f", Turn
			Let BottleRef := DrinksCabinet01Ref.GetInventoryObject Turn
			Printc "BottleRef = %i %n" BottleRef BottleRef
			If eval ( BottleRef != EmptyRef || BottleRef == DrinksCabinet01Ref)
				Let ItemType := GetObjectType BottleRef
				;Set BottleBaseRef to BottleRef.GetBaseObject
				Printc "Bottle = %i %n - ItemType Type = %.0f", BottleRef, BottleRef, ItemType
				If eval ( BottleRef != cobBevFlin || BottleRef != cobBevGreef )
					If  eval (BottleRef != cobBevMazte || BottleRef != cobBevShein ) 
						If eval ( BottleRef != PotionSkooma || BottleRef != cobBevSujamma )
							If Eval ( BottleRef != cobBevTelvanniBugMusk || BottleRef != cobBevTea )
								If Eval ( BottleRef != cobSalDrinkHoney ) 
									If ( ItemType == 40 )
			Set Turn to Turn - 1
		Let BottlesAmmount -= 1
		If ( Turn <= 0 )
			MessageBoxEX "Fill up the Upper Cabinet to the right of the rack with bottles"
			Set PekFillRackRef.State to 0

	If eval ( BottleRef != EmptyRef || BottleRef == DrinksCabinet01Ref)
		Let Path := GetModelPath BottleRef
		Printc "Path = %z", Path

	Set BeerTurnCOBL to 1

	While ( BeerTurnCOBL < 15 )
		Let CompPatch := ToString BeerTurnCOBL
		If ( BeerTurnCOBL < 10 )
			Let CompPatch := "clutter\Booze\BEER!bottle0" + CompPatch + ".nif"
			Let CompPatch := "clutter\Booze\BEER!bottle" + CompPatch + ".nif"
		If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
			Set BottleType to 1
		Let BeerTurnCOBL += 1
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\AleBottle.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 1
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\BeerBottle.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 1
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\MeadBottle.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 1

	Let CompPatch := ToString "clutter\milkbottle.nif"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 4
	Let CompPatch := ToString "clutter\Booze\BEER!Mead.nif"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 1
	Let CompPatch := ToString "clutter\Booze\BEER!Cider.nif"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 1
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\winebottle01.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 2
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\winebottle02.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 3
	Let CompPatch := ToString "Clutter\winebottle03.NIF"
	If Eval ( Path == CompPatch )
		Set BottleType to 2

	If ( BottleType == 0 )
		Goto 0
	Set PekFillRackRef.BottleType to BottleType
	Set PekFillRackRef.BottleRef to BottleRef

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Damn Drake:

I did found that set BottleIndex to 1, which was later set to 2, which resulted in every ref got added to the array index 2. :wallbash:



Edited by Pellape
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I did clean the main script from a couple of set and added some Let

scn PekFillRackWithBottles02SCR

array_var BottleArr

array_var BottlePosX
array_var BottlePosY
array_var BottlePosZ

array_var BottleAngX
array_var BottleAngY
array_var BottleAngZ

array_var BottleExistArr

Ref BottleRef
Ref BottleRef2
Ref StoredBottleRef
Ref BottleBaseRef
Ref EmptyRef
Ref BeastRef
Ref HandleRef

Float xPos
Float yPos
Float zPos

Float xAngle
Float yAngle
Float zAngle

Float StartX
Float StartY
Float StartZ

;Float RackPosAng

Short Button
Short TurnX
Short TurnZ
;Short Turn
Short BottlesAmmount
Short State
Short Rack
Short DoOnce
Short BottleIndex
Short BottleExist
Short UpdateArrays

Short BottleType
	; Beer 		1
	; Wine01 	2
	; Wine02 	3
	; Milk		4

Begin OnActivate

	Set State to -1


Begin GameMode

	If ( State == 0 )
	If ( DoOnce == 0 )
		let BottleArr := ar_Construct Array

		let BottlePosX := ar_Construct Array
		let BottlePosY := ar_Construct Array
		let BottlePosZ := ar_Construct Array

		let BottleAngX := ar_Construct Array
		let BottleAngY := ar_Construct Array
		let BottleAngZ := ar_Construct Array
		Let BottleExistArr := ar_Construct Array

		Set EmptyRef to 0
		let BottleArr[0] := EmptyRef

		let BottlePosX[0] := 0
		let BottlePosY[0] := 0
		let BottlePosZ[0] := 0

		let BottleAngX[0] := 0
		let BottleAngY[0] := 0
		let BottleAngZ[0] := 0

		let BottleExistArr[0] := 0
		Set BottleIndex to 1
		While ( BottleIndex < 46 )

			let BottleArr[BottleIndex] := 666

			let BottlePosX[BottleIndex] := 0
			let BottlePosY[BottleIndex] := 0
			let BottlePosZ[BottleIndex] := 0

			let BottleAngX[BottleIndex] := 0
			let BottleAngY[BottleIndex] := 0
			let BottleAngZ[BottleIndex] := 0
			let BottleExistArr[BottleIndex] := 0
			Set BottleIndex to BottleIndex + 1

		MessageBoxEX "Make sure the 2 bottle racks are empty this first time. Do you want to fill them with Bottles?|No|Yes|Fix positions"
		Set State to 30
		Set UpdateArrays to 1
		Set DoOnce to 1
	ElseIf ( State == -1 )
		MessageBoxEX "Do you want to fill the rack with Bottles?|No|Yes|Fix positions"
		Set State to 30
		Set UpdateArrays to 1
	;Set BottleIndex to 1
	If ( State == 20 )
		Set Button to GetButtonPressed
		If ( Button == 0 )
			Set State to 0
		ElseIf ( Button == 1 )
			Set State to 1
			Set Button to -1
		ElseIf ( Button == 2 )
			Set State to 30
			Set Button to -1
	If ( State == 1 )
		Set EmptyRef to 0
		Set BottleType to 0
		Set BeastRef to 666

		Let BottlesAmmount := DrinksCabinet01Ref.GetNumItems
		If ( BottlesAmmount == 0 )
			MessageBoxEX "Fill up the Upper Cabinet to the right of the rack with bottles"
			Set State to 0

		; Filling the upper Rack
		Set Rack to 1
		; x steps 10.85
		; z steps 13,37
		Set StartX to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos x - 32.52
		Set StartY to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos y - 3.1
		Set StartZ to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos z + 31.17
		Set TurnZ to 1
		Set TurnX to 1

		Set State to 2
	If ( State == 2 )
		If ( TurnZ < 5 )
			If ( TurnX < 6 )

				Let BottleIndex += 1
				;Scribe "BottleNumber = %0.0f" BottleIndex

				Let BottleExist := BottleExistArr[BottleIndex]
				If ( BottleExist == 0 )
					let BottleArr[BottleIndex] := EmptyRef

					let BottlePosX[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottlePosY[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottlePosZ[BottleIndex] := 0

					let BottleAngX[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottleAngY[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottleAngZ[BottleIndex] := 0

				Let StoredBottleRef := BottleArr[BottleIndex]

				If eval ( StoredBottleRef == BeastRef )
				ElseIf eval ( StoredBottleRef != EmptyRef )
					Let TurnX += 1
				Call PekCheckBottleTypesFUN
				;Beer and Mead bottles
				Set xPos to StartX + ( 10.85 * TurnX )
				Set yPos to StartY
				Set zPos to StartZ - ( 13.37 * TurnZ )
				Set xAngle to -92.5
				Set yAngle to 0
				Set zAngle to 135
				If ( BottleType == 2 )
					Set zPos to zPos + 1
					Set xAngle to -90
					Set zAngle to 165
				ElseIf ( BottleType == 3 )
					Set zPos to zPos + 1
					Set xAngle to -90
				ElseIf ( BottleType == 4 )
					Set xPos to xPos + 0.5
					Set yPos to yPos + 2
					Set zPos to zPos + 1
					Set xAngle to -90

				Set TurnX to TurnX + 1

				If eval ( BottleRef != EmptyRef )
					Player.PlaceAtMe BottleRef 1
					DrinksCabinet01Ref.RemoveItemNS BottleRef 1

					Set State to 3

				Set TurnX to 1
				Let TurnZ += 1
			Set State to 11
			Set Rack to 2
	If ( State == 3 )
		Set State to 4

	If ( State == 4 )
		Set State to 5

	If ( State == 5 )

		;Printc "Bottle == %i %n", BottleRef, BottleRef
		Let BottleRef2 := GetFirstRef 40 4
		While ( BottleRef2 )
			Let BottleBaseRef := BottleRef2.GetBaseObject
			If eval ( BottleBaseRef == BottleRef )
				Set BottleRef to BottleRef2
			Let BottleRef2 := GetNextRef
		If eval ( BottleRef != PekBottleRackRef || BottleRef == EmptyRef )
			BottleRef.SetPos x xPos
			BottleRef.SetPos y yPos
			BottleRef.SetPos z zPos
			BottleRef.SetAngle x xAngle
			BottleRef.SetAngle y yAngle
			BottleRef.SetAngle z zAngle
			let BottleArr[BottleIndex] := BottleRef

			let BottlePosX[BottleIndex] := xPos
			let BottlePosY[BottleIndex] := yPos
			let BottlePosZ[BottleIndex] := zPos

			let BottleAngX[BottleIndex] := xAngle
			let BottleAngY[BottleIndex] := yAngle
			let BottleAngZ[BottleIndex] := zAngle
			let BottleExistArr[BottleIndex] := 1			
		Set State to 6
	If ( State == 6 )

		Set State to 7

	If ( State == 7 )
		If ( Rack == 1 )
			Set State to 2
		ElseIf ( Rack == 2 )
			Set State to 12
	;Filling the lower Rack

	; x steps 14
	; z steps 13,22
	If ( State == 11 )
		Set StartX to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos x - 35.3
		Set StartY to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos y + 8
		Set StartZ to PekBottleRackRef.Getpos z - 35.3
		Set TurnZ to 1
		Set TurnX to 1
		Set State to 12
	If ( State == 12 )
		If ( TurnZ < 5 )
			If ( TurnX < 5 )

				Let BottleIndex := + 1
				;Scribe "BottleNumber = %0.0f" BottleIndex

				Let BottleExist := BottleExistArr[BottleIndex]
				If ( BottleExist == 0 )
					let BottleArr[BottleIndex] := EmptyRef

					let BottlePosX[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottlePosY[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottlePosZ[BottleIndex] := 0

					let BottleAngX[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottleAngY[BottleIndex] := 0
					let BottleAngZ[BottleIndex] := 0

				Let StoredBottleRef := BottleArr[BottleIndex]

				If eval ( StoredBottleRef == BeastRef )
				ElseIf eval ( StoredBottleRef != EmptyRef )
					Let TurnX += 1

				Call PekCheckBottleTypesFUN

				;Beer and Mead bottles
				Set xPos to StartX + ( 14 * TurnX )
				Set yPos to StartY - 15
				Set zPos to StartZ - ( 13.22 * TurnZ )
				Set xAngle to -90
				Set yAngle to 0
				Set zAngle to 135
				If ( BottleType == 2 )
					Set zPos to zPos + 1
					Set zAngle to 165
				ElseIf ( BottleType == 3 )
					Set zPos to zPos + 1
				ElseIf ( BottleType == 4 )
					Set xPos to xPos + 0.5
					Set yPos to yPos + 2
					Set zPos to zPos + 1

				Set TurnX to TurnX + 1
				If eval ( BottleRef != EmptyRef )
					Player.PlaceAtMe BottleRef 1
					DrinksCabinet01Ref.RemoveItemNS BottleRef 1

					let BottleArr[BottleIndex] := BottleRef

					let BottlePosX[BottleIndex] := xPos
					let BottlePosY[BottleIndex] := yPos
					let BottlePosZ[BottleIndex] := zPos

					let BottleAngX[BottleIndex] := xAngle
					let BottleAngY[BottleIndex] := yAngle
					let BottleAngZ[BottleIndex] := zAngle
					let BottleExistArr[BottleIndex] := 1

					Set State to 3
				Set TurnX to 1
				Set TurnZ to TurnZ + 1
			Set State to 0
			Set TurnZ to 1

	If ( State == 30 )

		Printc "Initiates positioning"

		Set EmptyRef to 0
		Set BeastRef to 666
		Set HandleRef to GetSelf
		Set BottleIndex to 1
		While (BottleIndex < 46 )

			Let StoredBottleRef := BottleArr[BottleIndex]
			If eval ( StoredBottleRef != EmptyRef || StoredBottleRef != BeastRef )
				Let BottleRef2 := GetFirstRef 40 4
				While ( BottleRef2 )
					If eval ( BottleRef2 == StoredBottleRef && BottleRef2 != EmptyRef)
						let BottleExistArr[BottleIndex] := 1
						let BottleExistArr[BottleIndex] := 0
					Let BottleRef2 := GetNextRef

				Let BottleExist := BottleExistArr[BottleIndex]
				If ( BottleExist == 1 )
					If Eval ( BottleRef2 != HandleRef )
						Let xPos := BottlePosX[BottleIndex]
						Let yPos := BottlePosY[BottleIndex]
						Let zPos := BottlePosZ[BottleIndex]
						Let xAngle := BottleAngX[BottleIndex]
						Let yAngle := BottleAngY[BottleIndex]
						Let zAngle := BottleAngZ[BottleIndex]

						BottleRef2.SetPos x xPos
						BottleRef2.SetPos y yPos
						BottleRef2.SetPos z zPos
						BottleRef2.SetAngle x xAngle
						BottleRef2.SetAngle y yAngle
						BottleRef2.SetAngle z zAngle
			Printc "BottleIndex = %g - %i %n - Exist? %g" BottleIndex BottleRef2 BottleRef2 BottleExist
			Let BottleIndex += 1
		If ( UpdateArrays == 1 )
			Set State to 20
			Set UpdateArrays to 0
			Set State to 0


Time to test this crap, again... No wonder that script did not added more than 1 bottles at rack 2. :D Damn... But do not say hey until you crossed the river Pekka... ;) I am happy never the less :)

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Nice. ^^

I often bite into my desk when scripting and suddenly something weird occurs which I have to figure out by debuggin the whole stuff.


Glad you found it out.



Just one thing that comes into my mind about your video.

I see that you firstly move the bottles into positon and then they are blinking on the spot.


Would it either work, if you disable the bottles first, then move them into postion and enable them afterwards.

That would fix the blinking for moving the bottles from shelf to shelf, even though it wouldn't for the button which fixes the placement of already positioned bottles.

But still, might look a bit more appealing? ;)

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I do get a lot of offset info now to work with and the bottom rack gets filled. SO far, so good. It does not work perfect yet but it do what it is meant to at least:


Maybe? I keep it as it is right now and maybe do it later. I must find the bug first

Edited by Pellape
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