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my computer setup


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i am new to the pc gaming world, and i purchased a pc just for that. my question is can i run the ultra realistic skyrim mod with this setup?



  • CPU: Intel® Core™ i5-3570K 3.40 GHz 6MB Intel Smart Cache LGA1155 (All Venom OC Certified)
  • HDD: 1TB SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 32MB Cache 7200RPM HDD (Single Drive)
  • MEMORY: 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3/1600MHz Dual Channel Memory (G.SKILL Ripjaws X [+14])
  • MOTHERBOARD: * [CrossFireX] GIGABYTE GA-Z77-HD3 Intel Z77 Chipset DDR3 ATX Mainboard w/ IRST, Ultra Durable 4 Classic, 7.1 HD Audio, GbLAN, 2x Gen3 PCIe x16, 2x PCIe x1 & 2 PCI (Extreme OC Certified)
  • VIDEO: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti Boost 2GB 16X PCIe 3.0 Video Card [+77] (EVGA Superclocked [+15])
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Depends what resolution you plan to run. I think it will be tough getting reasonable frame rates with high graphic settings plus extra graphics mods with that card. I'm using a 560 Ti which I think is better for gaming performance and I get 30 fps in some areas with the Bethesda HD texture pack and a performance ENB mod. Your card has more Ram so that might help with the HD textures though.

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I had a 1Gb HD5770 which ran quite well on Ultra with shadows on high at 1920x1080. Could never run official HD Texture but the unofficial mod texture packs were fine although I kept them to 1024x and I never used an ENB. Did have CoT, RLO, Skyrim flora overhaul, WATER, Static Mesh Improvement, deadly dragons and Warzones running, not to mention a follower mod and a horse mod. Although occasionally the setup would chunter and stutter when things got busy , I thought it worked quite well.


Your kit is newer than mine, a better processor, faster HDD, more ram and a better GPU with the more memory already mentioned.


Heres a comparison between the Hd5770 and the GTX 650Ti http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/538?vs=680


On balance I think your kit is fine, give it a go. If you want something better, then sell you GTX650Ti and put the money toward a newer card.



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