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Easy Request


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Last updates so far are: Completed the navmesh of the interior (but it's buggy, will have to fix it but it's nothing major, it does work), Also did the AI package for janette (0-7am = sleep, 8 - 12am = Counter, 1-2pm = random actions, 2 - 11pm = counter)

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So far all I could fit in considering it's a small building is Janette and a courier, should the mod have also a basement (accessible by a trapdoor behind the post office) where there would be more couriers writing in a room full of desks, papers, shelves, etc.?

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I like this one more, although maybe it could be a bit bigger. It doesn't look that eye-catching when it's that small :P But it looks very good, can't wait to see how the whole office looks!

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I'll make it a little bigger then!

It has actually both, I made it so that when you spend money on sending letters, they don't just get removed but "added" to janette (through a variable though) and once it reaches a certain sum she will upgrade the post office, so far only two upgrades (from the old sign to that one and the trapdoor to the basement with more courier people).

And all these little updates are all thanks to you by the way =P I can focus more on that stuff because you're writing the letters, you're a big help really!

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Great!! are you going to be able to send things or "gifts" like the wooden doll to your adopted daughter or a necklace/gold to your wife ETC


probably just a trade system like with followers, the item gets added to Janette then disapears later sort of thing, dont know if thats possible

Edited by nightinglae850
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It's possible but I had to cut off friendship letters too because this is taking too long =P I'll just add friendship/enemyish letters and that thing you suggested in a future version2 of the mod

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