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REAL realistic damage?


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Realistic damage = If i'm in full heavy armour it will take 3-5 crossbow bolts to kill me right, realistic damage does not mean that I die in 2 hits with a crossbow while the guy shooting me has light, sleeveless, leather armour that leaves him mostly exposed and takes about 7-10 hits, that isn't realism that's just a pointlessly difficult grind. Even on lower difficulties i have this problem, it makes me wonder how much health bandits enjoy and what godly iron greatsword they are wielding that can killmove me clad in full heavy armour at full health. And there's something wrong when all the mods that claim realistic damage make it so a level 15+ player can die in 3 hits from a mudcrab. just multiplying all damage by 5 doesn't make it realistic. But back to the original matter, whatever high level you are it doesn't mean that you can survive five arrows in your unarmoured face, and even when the player is an equally high level their full ebony does nothing against the onslaught of the deadly iron arrows. I have started using skyre but i'm not sure if it is to do with that mod or not seeing as when i disable it i still die in 1 hit. if i'm in full heavy armour i should take at lest 4-5 hits if it were realistic and blocking should not be entirely useless and should defend against all damage at a stamina cost (and not one block and it's all gone, but holding up a shield for a long period of time drains your stamina and a timed block takes 1 6th-1 5th of your starting stamina pool. attacks with one-handed weapons should kill an unarmoured individual in 2-3 hits, two handed in 1-2 hits and lightly armoured enemies should die in 3-4 hits with a one-handed weapon and 2-3 hits with a 2 handed weapon. Heavy armour is a different story; in real life it would have taken long morrrowind style combat but that doesn't make for an interesting game does it? So let's say 6-7 one handed hits and 4-6 two handed hits. I don't know why bandits always have such higher levels than the player but i guess avoiding high level dungeons is a good strategy. However all humanoids should have the same base health and it shouldn't vary too much with generic enemies. If people could make such a mod I would be eternally grateful. Or if someone could tell me the values that need to be altered in the CK i would do it myself.

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Yes, Duke Patricks mod is amazing, the only reason I don't use it is because I can't play Skyrim without SkyRe anymore... Vanilla perks are just ALL either broken and overpowered or stupid and useless.


The main problem with all human enemies having the same health is the level system in skyrim. As you level up, all your stats, including health go up, if all enemies stay the same, then they stay weak while you grow strong, if they scale exactly to you, then what's the point of leveling up in the first place?


Usually, in skyrim if enemies are too strong for you, it usually means that you are either fighting to high level of enemies, or you character isn't as skilled for his level as he should be. If you are level 15 and still using slightly improved steel gear, yes you are going to get your ass handed to you, it's just the way RPGs work sadly.


Also, try using teams. SkyRe, WTF and ASIS combined make the game super fun to play, but if you have no team mates, it's to hard to enjoy. You can't take on the world alone, half the time bandits are in large numbers, and if you were scaled EXACTLY to them, one of you would ALWAYS die to a group of 5-6 bandits.

Edited by ArtMurder
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I agree with you. In Duke Patrick's Heavy Weapons Combat Mod, there is a configurable setting that adds a maximum health threshold to creatures based on their size. Would be nice to have such a module individually.



Yes, Duke Patricks mod is amazing, the only reason I don't use it is because I can't play Skyrim without SkyRe anymore... Vanilla perks are just ALL either broken and overpowered or stupid and useless.


The main problem with all human enemies having the same health is the level system in skyrim. As you level up, all your stats, including health go up, if all enemies stay the same, then they stay weak while you grow strong, if they scale exactly to you, then what's the point of leveling up in the first place?


Usually, in skyrim if enemies are too strong for you, it usually means that you are either fighting to high level of enemies, or you character isn't as skilled for his level as he should be. If you are level 15 and still using slightly improved steel gear, yes you are going to get your ass handed to you, it's just the way RPGs work sadly.


Also, try using teams. SkyRe, WTF and ASIS combined make the game super fun to play, but if you have no team mates, it's to hard to enjoy. You can't take on the world alone, half the time bandits are in large numbers, and if you were scaled EXACTLY to them, one of you would ALWAYS die to a group of 5-6 bandits.

indeed, in reality daedric would be no better than steel, but then it would be pointless to level up armour at all. what i do hate is the "enemies level up with you thing" I would much prefer having some pushover areas and some areas that are nearly impossible to clear than having the same experience all the way through. As I level up I want to feel like I'm becoming the most powerful person to ever walk the Earth not simply getting the occasional perk that i would rarely see put to good use, I want defeating Miraak or alduin or the most powerful vampire in skyrim to feel like a challenge, not just another fight. Like in morrowind when, if you were strong enough, you could kill gods and do things that 20 levels ago would have been unthinkable to even attempt, it wasn't perfect but it added this sense of reality and interaction that you don't get now, with the newer games it really feels like the world is an artificial simulation. At least it's not as bad as oblivion where your average bandit wears daedric armour and wields godly weapons. Still, i would like to know if enemy scaling is possible to completely mod out so that you are not the centre of the universe, the world doesn't bend to your strengths and weaknesses and encounters are realistic and random. I want times when defeating an enemy is like crushing a bug, and times when you are forced to run away, and more importantly You're the dragonborn!!! And you are most likely walking around in god-like armour and wielding weapons of unimaginable power bestowed upon you by immortal gods; the average bandit is going to think twice about challenging you for a few septims. And that is the combat overhaul that I'm after, if i can learn to script and use the creation kit it would be among the first things that I'd set out to do.

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I have been brainstorming about turning Skyrim into a realistic world in a topic here. There are settings that can be changed so the player and NPCs don't increase in health per level. I'd like skills and perks to determine your evolution into a superhero more than leveling, per se. All NPCs and creatures would be static and their health based on real-life comparisons. Of course being a world filled with magic and fictional creatures, demigods and all, realistic application would necessarily have an open meaning and not rigid.

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I have been brainstorming about turning Skyrim into a realistic world in a topic here. There are settings that can be changed so the player and NPCs don't increase in health per level. I'd like skills and perks to determine your evolution into a superhero more than leveling, per se. All NPCs and creatures would be static and their health based on real-life comparisons. Of course being a world filled with magic and fictional creatures, demigods and all, realistic application would necessarily have an open meaning and not rigid.

That is an interesting idea until you get into magic, a whole new area that... Seeing as magic largely ignores armour mages would become very overpowered very quickly. perhaps if magic does less health damage and more to other attributes i.e shock does 20pts to magicka and 5 points per second to health etc? And it would have to be compatible with deadly dragons. One HUGE feature of a combat overhaul that I would like to see in a mod is that block blocks the majority of magic and the entirety of ice spike damage. Like in the trailer for skyrim with the dragon fight. You'd think hiding behind a metal shield would better against a dragon than hiding behind a flimsy wooden tree. Also armour should come in to play. beinng hit by an ice spike would be devastating when wearing robes but if you have a thick steel skin most of the damage would be absorbed, and when you get into daedric... that stuff should have powerful magical resistance without enchanting. I'd love to see a mod that does this and I'd love to make one.

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  • 8 months later...


I have been brainstorming about turning Skyrim into a realistic world in a topic here. There are settings that can be changed so the player and NPCs don't increase in health per level. I'd like skills and perks to determine your evolution into a superhero more than leveling, per se. All NPCs and creatures would be static and their health based on real-life comparisons. Of course being a world filled with magic and fictional creatures, demigods and all, realistic application would necessarily have an open meaning and not rigid.

That is an interesting idea until you get into magic, a whole new area that... Seeing as magic largely ignores armour mages would become very overpowered very quickly. perhaps if magic does less health damage and more to other attributes i.e shock does 20pts to magicka and 5 points per second to health etc? And it would have to be compatible with deadly dragons. One HUGE feature of a combat overhaul that I would like to see in a mod is that block blocks the majority of magic and the entirety of ice spike damage. Like in the trailer for skyrim with the dragon fight. You'd think hiding behind a metal shield would better against a dragon than hiding behind a flimsy wooden tree. Also armour should come in to play. beinng hit by an ice spike would be devastating when wearing robes but if you have a thick steel skin most of the damage would be absorbed, and when you get into daedric... that stuff should have powerful magical resistance without enchanting. I'd love to see a mod that does this and I'd love to make one.


I think this is what you are looking for:


Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul



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I have been brainstorming about turning Skyrim into a realistic world in a topic here. There are settings that can be changed so the player and NPCs don't increase in health per level. I'd like skills and perks to determine your evolution into a superhero more than leveling, per se. All NPCs and creatures would be static and their health based on real-life comparisons. Of course being a world filled with magic and fictional creatures, demigods and all, realistic application would necessarily have an open meaning and not rigid.

That is an interesting idea until you get into magic, a whole new area that... Seeing as magic largely ignores armour mages would become very overpowered very quickly. perhaps if magic does less health damage and more to other attributes i.e shock does 20pts to magicka and 5 points per second to health etc? And it would have to be compatible with deadly dragons. One HUGE feature of a combat overhaul that I would like to see in a mod is that block blocks the majority of magic and the entirety of ice spike damage. Like in the trailer for skyrim with the dragon fight. You'd think hiding behind a metal shield would better against a dragon than hiding behind a flimsy wooden tree. Also armour should come in to play. beinng hit by an ice spike would be devastating when wearing robes but if you have a thick steel skin most of the damage would be absorbed, and when you get into daedric... that stuff should have powerful magical resistance without enchanting. I'd love to see a mod that does this and I'd love to make one.


So, zero balance and nerf mages to the ground?

Man, you really hate mages.

Edited by cliffosx
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I have been brainstorming about turning Skyrim into a realistic world in a topic here. There are settings that can be changed so the player and NPCs don't increase in health per level. I'd like skills and perks to determine your evolution into a superhero more than leveling, per se. All NPCs and creatures would be static and their health based on real-life comparisons. Of course being a world filled with magic and fictional creatures, demigods and all, realistic application would necessarily have an open meaning and not rigid.

That is an interesting idea until you get into magic, a whole new area that... Seeing as magic largely ignores armour mages would become very overpowered very quickly. perhaps if magic does less health damage and more to other attributes i.e shock does 20pts to magicka and 5 points per second to health etc? And it would have to be compatible with deadly dragons. One HUGE feature of a combat overhaul that I would like to see in a mod is that block blocks the majority of magic and the entirety of ice spike damage. Like in the trailer for skyrim with the dragon fight. You'd think hiding behind a metal shield would better against a dragon than hiding behind a flimsy wooden tree. Also armour should come in to play. beinng hit by an ice spike would be devastating when wearing robes but if you have a thick steel skin most of the damage would be absorbed, and when you get into daedric... that stuff should have powerful magical resistance without enchanting. I'd love to see a mod that does this and I'd love to make one.


I think this is what you are looking for:


Requiem - The Roleplaying Overhaul





SkyRe does many things well and I used it myself for about a year, however I craved what you did and since switching to Requiem I haven't looked back.

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