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It's good to be King


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One of my criticisms of this game is that there is a disconnect between the original story ideas and the coded execution. Think of the things you do in the main quest line that top whatever any previous dragonborn may have done and yet this glory is robbed from you by a non-existant response from the gameworld.


It strikes me that every Dragonborn throughout history ended up being Skyrim's High KIng and yet Skyrim must put up with either a dictatorial foreign government (the Imperials) who tell the people who they can and cannot worship and even con Nords into fighting Nords to maintain this dictatorship or a just cause (to rid Skyrim of Imperial rule) led by a complete fraud, Ulfric, who doesn't care about Skyrim's people, rules the ugliest gutter city in the game, tolerates the persecution of minorities in his city and is quite prepared to sacrifice Nords in either Stormcloak or imperial uniform as long as he gets to wear the crown. We've got to have him as High King? At least Balgruf of Whiterun genuinely cares for his people... It's a crappy choice.


This farce is continued if you take up the Stormcloak side because regardless of the "I don't want Elowhen in the room" rhetoric by Ulfric he'll bend the knee to the Thalmor if they let him have his crown. Why can't the Dragonborn be High King? Why can't he call Ulfric out as Ulfric called Torigg out... "Ulfric did not murder the High King; he challenged him as is our custom." Well? When do I get a turn? And, once I've killed Ulfric and his side-kick, say i get challenged by the Thalmor that they won't stand for it... blah blah blah. What if the ideas in the "Parthanax dillemma" mod were incorporated so that I, the mages from Winterhold, the Companions, the Thieves Guild, and the guards from every city where I am Thane wiped out the Thalmor while Parthanax and his dragon buddies were given free reign to "dominate" the Thalmor Embassy.


The Imperials would be happy with a trading co-operative Skyrim if they didn't have to deal with the Thalmor and regardless of the "Thalmor Might" fighting against an army backed by Dragons would be a fitting end. You could even have the option of accepting the crown in order to command your single kingly act: that Rolf and the Queen marry and that Rolf become High King before you abdicate... or some choice like that. I mean, there you are with Dragons giving faelty (or they could), an elder scroll, and the allegiance and command of every organisation in Skyrim and you get "I'm busy" from everyone... Well that sucked.


And would it be too much to rebuild Winterhold with an indoor market and traders opened with a festival of fireworks, illusions, and 'magic tricks' from Winterhold to improve their image or are sparklers out of the budget? And the burning of Kink Olaf... It was like one of those parties that was so bad you are almost too embarrased to leave... quickly... almost. LOL

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