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Names in the Dragon Tongue


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Hey everyone.


So on my current character Zayl (name comes from 'Moon of the Spider' which is a great book if you're a reader) who is a Thief with a moral code. Never steal from those who can't afford it, and don't hurt those who don't deserve it. (ok, I stole that from a movie, but what ever) And he's been using a bow. Right now he's got Auriel's Bow, and ancient falmer armor, but I eventually want a full set of dragon scale armor w/ a dragon bow.


Now here is where the title of this topic comes into play.


When you enchant an item, atleast in the PC version (my version, obviously) you can rename the item. So for example, I'm going to name my bow Qahnaarin, which according to Durneviir
(Dragon in the Soul Carn) means 'Vanquisher'. And I figured since I'm the DragonBorn, I should name the rest of my gear aswell. So I'm asking if anyone knows any names in the dragon language that mean something relevant to armor. For example, 'Protector' or something for the chest piece, or 'swift' for the boots, etc.


So anything that anyone can provide would be very helpful, and if you wana do this yourself go right ahead. :thumbsup:




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