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[Mod WIP] Looking for Feedback


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Is there any interest in any or all of the following? Might as well ask before I consider polishing for public use...


-- A ring that when equipped either in player inventory or from a favorites hotkey (1- :cool: will display the in-game time. Is auto-unequipped with each use.


-- A satchel that when equipped either in player inventory or from a favorites hotkey (1- :cool: will allow storage of any item. At the same time, any item that is currently stored and not equipped will auto-store any new instances of said item added to the player (not counting instances pulled from the satchel). Is auto-unequipped with each use.


-- A coin that when "equipped" (coins can't be equipped but the event still processes) gives access to a remote merchant who does not sell stock unless bought from you first, can only purchase items, has 22500 gold, is affected by perks, and resets the container every 2 days (or whatever value your game has set for the default respawn). The remote hidden merchant will be able to purchase stolen items as well.


The items would not be craftable and would not be merely handed to the player. They would be placed in locations that would require some sort of conflict resolution with those who may (usually) go hostile.


Existance reasoning via "lore" could be possible tho most likely cheesy. Purpose of such "lore" would be to give in-game hints as to their locations.


Currently these do work in a non-skse fashion and that ability would be retained even if skse were added to provide custom hotkey use.


I had thought of including spells to quick store & retrieve the stored items as I have in my Glimpse of Elsweyr bag of holding mod. But experience with transfering multiple items while Hearthfire is active indicates that papyrus stack dumps are highly likely. The more stack dumps there are and the closer they are together can lead to potential script hangups and other issues. Instead I would recommend pulling out what is needed as it is needed. Thus the coin initiating a merchant was developed. Instead of carrying the excess stuff till reaching town, crap to be sold can be sold whenever.


The ring was added as a "new" way to display in-game time instead of adding on my In-Game Clock Hotkey mod. Saves a plugin spot. o.ob



Edit: added parts in italics

Edited by IsharaMeradin
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