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What is this error from?


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So like, I tried to load up Skyrim today. Got a certain error. I went back, started to delete all of my mods that I downloaded just today, and still got this error.


I'm not sure if it's a specific mod or if it's within the game itself, but...what does this mean?






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It complains that a property within a script hasn't been filled (it's got a name but doesn't know what it stands for). From the name of it, I would guess that the property should be filled with your current Hold - do you have any mods that have something to do with weather or hold-specific actions? Or on the other side a mod that might prevent the script from reading your current location? That is where I would start looking.


Edit: I was just looking around if I could find anything more substantial for you. If you google WETTriggerScript there seem to be more people with the problem. So if you don't want to wait until someone gives you better advice here, you can perhaps find an answer to your problem this way. :)

Edited by Anska
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I did, at one point today. However, I ended up deleting all of the recent (aka, today) mods that I downloaded, and I'm still getting the same message. I went searching the forums and found numerous topics about the same "WETriggerscript error" and ways to fix it--so far, none of which have worked. This was a brand-new save (I had to get a new harddrive for my laptop recently), so I'm stumped and highly frustrated.

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Try a brand new game. The object edited by a mod is still present in the game. The property has no value in the save file because the mod changed it, but the mod and it's changes are gone thus it is having issues.


The 01 at the left side of the form id number displayed indicates mod load order position. Since Skyrim.esm is always 00 and Update.esm always follows, then the form is from Update.esm


Every object once loaded into the game wishes to remain that way in the save file. If you remove a mod that modified an already stored object, that mod's changes usually do not revert if that object is native to the game or other mod still active.


Tip: Adding mods is usually ok. Removing mods is not. If you wish to try a mod, do it on a test character and do not load your main character's saves until you have made your decision about keeping or removing the mod on trial.

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Ishara -- Thank you for the tip, though that was a new game. I had deleted my save file because of the WETriggerscript error on that one as well, and figured that "oh hey, I must have blown up my save game...again", and wished to try it out. Hence, why the character is still level 1. xD


I'll take your advice about testing mods out on a test character/test save, so that way, I don't wreck my main saved game. Since this, I did the drastic route and uninstalled NMM, Skyrim, and Steam, and currently am about to reinstall NMM after reinstalling the other two. From the other posts, it looked like it was a problem with NMM and the plugins.ini file and NMM making multiple skyrim.esm files I believe; the only problem was...I couldn't find the plugins file. ewe;


Would that have been due to SKSE, by any chance?

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