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Skyrim 1.9 Bug: NPCs Cannot Gift Items to Player


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I'm running the latest Skyrim patch, with Steam, with the latest SKSE and a decent amount of mods. Everything is compatible and I've been error free on my save game for quite some time. Today I was playing the main quest MQ201 (sneaking into Thalmor Embassy) when a progress-halting error occurred. Delphine tried to give me the party clothes to wear but couldn't, she just froze when she tried. I loaded a previous autosave and continued on. Turns out my player can purchase and sell items from vendors, I can even pickpocket BUT when the player needs to receive an item from an NPC for a quest or non-bartering purpose nothing happens. No items can be added or subtracted from the inventory unless it's through the vendor bartering interface. Anyone know what's going on? The most recent mod I installed was "Trade and Barter" which was running fine for a while before this started happening. Thanks.

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