BlazeStryker Posted February 20, 2021 Share Posted February 20, 2021 So, some stupid glitch led to all my mods disabling. Not uninstalling, disabling. I suspect it was Micromanager surveying them invisibly (damn nanny state stupidity) while I did a reset for other reasons. I fixed that. But I wound up reordering my junk after to make sure I didn't do something dumb like activating conflicting mods, then I had to fix that as we all know what LOOT will do to you given half a chance. This wasn't just "Put Diamond City Expansion and Satellite World Map at the bottom" (though I totally did) but things like putting the masters in the right order... when I could. Some mods, you can't do that. There's a ton of 'em but I'm just gonna list my examples in... my load order because why not? I think it'll coven a few bases of Bad Masters Listing, a problem that a later edition of FO4Edit will hopefully be able to fix someday. Here goes: 1) First, set all the way near the top 18 mods past the end of the ESLs we have AerysNPCs.esp which is the "most NPCs" compilation of HotMamas for when you just want to get it over wiith in one slot. (later mods below change specific characters back so what the hell, right?) This one's problem in Masters is literally unsolvable; it wants Nuka World before Far Harbor and workshop03 which is never gonna happen. Reguklar ol' ESMs can be reordered amongst themselves but NOT the main game and DLCs. Not happening! 2) Next we'll list one that's actually repairable I just fixed; the Art Connoisseur System (whch I can hardly believe I spelled right before checking) All-In-One Happiness Patch's ESP would seriously prefer Atom Bomb Pinups be before the "old" Luis Royo collection mod. The whole ACS bloc was seven slots in a row so ordering it was no problem as none were ESL much less ESM. 3) That leads me to Legendary Modification ands its step-children. Enhanced wants the parent (Legendary Modification) to go before Far Harbor's ESM file. Nnnnnnnnope. Ironically, Legendary Modification's own Far Harbor content slot wants Armor Keywords to supercede Nuka World! (*groan*) 4) At the same time, Mythic Legendaries (The ChuckLegendary ESP file) wants both LM and LM Far Harbor to be in front of Automatron and Huka World but wants Armor Keywords to be after (Like it has a choice?) 5) If that wasn't fun enough the Double Legendaries Armor Keywords patch wants 2LM to be before AK which would also put it in front of regular ol' Legendary Modifications... which is a Master file to 2LM. (are you head-desking yet?) 6) The less said about LM's Far Harbor Double Legendaries file the better. Just look at it in the masters window to the right of the modlist in WryeBash but keep a strong drink to hand and a soft pillow on your desk. You Have Been Warned. 7) Old World Radio's and OWR2's Settlement Keywords patches both need to get it straight that SK is not going to supercede any of the Big DLC although the Craftable Decor SK patch for OWR 2 is especially egregious in that it wants Craftable decor to supercede... everything aside from maingame. (Oy Vey is Meir...) 8) Automatron Randomized Bots - Nuka World Patch weirdly can't keep that basic order of masters despite the order being correct in the file name. Ye Gods... 9) OWR2's SK patch, natch, assumes the radio mod goes before the SK ESM file. Uh-uh. Note that I don't hate these mods at all. In many cases I've used them for years. That said,10) 2pac4eva7, if you read this, Armorsmith extended simply isn't an ESM and it's not going in front of ArmorKeywords for that reason. 11) The Unique NPCs Creatures / SM Redux / Armorsmith patch? Strong drink and pillow on desk. Not or, you'll need both! 12) Now, this is a fun one, put in place when you install Unique NPCs. The mod overwrtites Better Settlers with its own version if you choose it and that goes in after Unique NPCs for obvious reasons but the Better Settlersd Mortal Soldiers condition installs expecting Better Settlers to be before Unique NPCs. (the Mostly Female option expects the same...) 13) last one! (and there were a great many with no conflicts, don't get me wrong...) Player Comments and its patches need to be here at the bottom of the list, and that's no problem, but I have to tell you that the Unofficial Patch doesn't come before the Main DLCs, nor should it as there's a LOT in them it's literally built to patch. A solid baker's dozen to explain why a tool to re-order Masters for a mod to eliminate conflicts is very much in order.Thanks for enduring it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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