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When it comes to modding in general, should I install certain types of


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Through a mixture of needing to check the vanilla state of the game after making ini tweaks, wanting to get rid of a few mods, and some kind of OCD thing, I deactivated all of my mods and have returned the game to a completely vanilla state.


I worry a lot about things getting screwed up. I didn't encounter my first real problem until I started making the ini tweaks and reading conflicting info on the Internet about what might or might not cause problems, but it was all minor stuff. I'd really like to try to ignore that fear that I'll break something and not know where to go next, so I thought about how I should go about installing multiple mods at once.


So, when modding, is it generally recommended to install...let's say texture packs, all at once, then follow up with more complex mods, like added content, then move on to even more complex stuff that overhauls AI or adds lots of scripts, and so on?

Edited by Shotokanguy
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Yes, it happens mainly with texture replacer mods, but could also happen with mods that replace meshes, scripts or other assets. The last mod installed will overwrite previous installations.


That's why some people recommend more advanced mod organising tools like Wrye Bash or Mod Organiser as it manages not only the load order, but the install order. If it detects that a certain asset doesn't match the one that was last in the install order, it will correct it for you.


If you're installing manually or using NMM, install your least important texture mods first and the most important ones last.

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