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Why do people play mods?


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- Fetch quests (go there, fetch x number of items, bring them to me, get reward).

- Clear out this dungeon for me, would you?

- Go kill this or that boss in x castle/ruin/dungeon.

- I have an idea so we'll only do what I think. <-- Bethesda really loves doing this annoying crap.


99% of all quests fall into these categories. I don't this the lesson is don't do them. I think the lesson is: When you do them you need to do them in a way that does not seem horrible stupid.


You need to create a story as to why you need to fetch something. And make the places you visit worth visiting.

If you are clearing out a dungeon, why? And make the dungeon interesting. Add some nice scenes and make it branching. Linear dungeons are horrible make it so there are multiple ways to get through the thing.

Go kill a boss? make the boss fight worth while. Make it challenging. Add puzzles.


Even some of the best quest mods are really just these quest architypes, but they pull it off well.

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