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Steam version causing multiple problems


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I had to reinstall windows because of a trojin. I saved my oblivion save game files and my mods. But, I can't get Wrye BAsh or BOSS to even see Oblivion. Small problem but now my biggest. My favorite character, a DesuChans Kawa-Khajiits Ver 2_0_1-35579. I altered the specs in TES CS to make it more fighter type. However, that was the one .esp I didnt save, so the character race basically doesn't exist. I can't use "showracemenu" in the consule because when the game tries to look at the race/character she is, the game crashes. I need a way to change the character stats outside the game. If there's a way in CS to alter just that character, I haven't found it. If theres a way with ess file viewer, I can't find that either. I'm to the point where I might have to delete this character unless I can get some help saving her.


Now CS won't run but Bash and BOSS will

Edited by kadyvre
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The 2.0 version, but I customized the stats and renamed it "Kawa-Khajiits Fighter". Is there a way to access the character other than in-game and change its race?


*CS now working. I had 2 esps (non related to problem) conflicting with one another*


But I still have no idea how to edit/change/alter the character outside the game.

Edited by kadyvre
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