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Calling all thieves and murderers! Whats your calling card?


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I loot the best items from a corpse, throw the body into the river, watch as if floats down the stream and falls over a waterfall...


But, if there is no waterfall nearby, I'll put the body in a funny/"what you'd expect" position as my calling card. My person is very evil.


*Walks into a house. A corpse is upside down on a chair.*

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I have a tendency of dragging and placing bodies into a funeral pose, hands crossed over chest, and leave a bunch of random flowers on the body to signify a debt paid in blood and respect for the deceased. May their soul have a deserved rest in the void.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hah, before I got good at remembering who I'd looted -- Oblivion was my introduction to FPRPG's -- anyway once you play these games awhile you develop a sixth sense for who hasn't been looted, sometimes to the point of hearing a voice in your head say, "Unlooted corpse at 7 o'clock," from the subtle variations in the sound of Lydia fighting behind you. That's some next-level greed right there.


Anyway before greed gave me my super-power senses I used to take the armor or clothing off a target then drop it, neatly folded as the game does it, on top of the body to mark it as "looted". That would've looked pretty psycho to an outside observer.

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Awesome thread!


I usually strip everything from the body, and position it sitting upright next to a doorway - all prim and proper .

Edited by Monkinsane
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  • 3 months later...

When completing a contract I decapitate the target, if the required killmove doesn't trigger I equip my target with an Equippable Decapitated Head, then use the console to add a skull to my inventory (and get the corpse to equip said decap head).

After that I leave a note with the DB hand and the text "mahfaeraak vahriin wah vokun" in place where the head used to be, and use void salts as paper weight.


I would recommend that you write "Mahferaak vahriin wah faal vokunne" instead, whick means "Forever sworn to the shadows"

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