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[LE] LIP file generation


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So, I've managed to record and get my own custom dialogue scenes functioning. But now I'm at the point of getting the facial animations to happen. I've got all the sound files and text responses, and I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this than the "SSE Creation Kit Fixes" as mentioned here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/20061?tab=description


I know there have been folks making custom dialogue for ages, and am wondering how they do it.




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You are in the SLE forum.


Nevertheless, i don't know if all those SSE fixes actually do anything, what i can tell you though is that, all complex mods made by those few experienced modders left (few of them, all experienced modders have quit years now), that you see in SSE are made in SLE and then converted to SSE.

There are a lot of things that just can't be done in SSE, plus the fact that SSE CK has some major issues from the start, like dialogue, scenes, conditions flaws, and the list goes on and on....

SLE CK was created exclusively for SLE, while SSE CK is the Fallout CK converted to work with SSE in a 32 bit based game converted to run on a 64 bit game engine.

* You don't need to be a genius to see what's going on here...

Edited by maxarturo
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Although that i've stop bothering myself with that awfully badly made SSE CK and game for some years now, i think that lip files are the same but i'm not 100% sure, plus i don't even have SSE any more to check it, you better post this question on the SSE forum.

I would suggest if your mod is small or if you are at the beginning, to revert to SLE and create your mod there, once you have finish with it just converted, it's the only way to save yourself from some future headaches and Dead Ends...

* Don't become one more of those modders that have spend countless hours working on a project just to end up quiting...!!!

SSE has already killed a lot of modders and send to the void some really big projects...

* If you make an extensive research you will see that the things added to SSE and upgrades are actually "0", and that the whole thing it's just a Rip-Off.

Have a happy modding.

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Something's not right on my end. I made a esp in the LE CK and recreated all the actors from my SSE mod and gave them all the appropriate voice types (to avoid confusing myself). Whenever I go into the LE CK, and press record to create the dummy file, it makes a path and file for all the voice types, not just the one in use by the actor. Can anyone help straighten me out?




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Something's not right on my end. I made a esp in the LE CK and recreated all the actors from my SSE mod and gave them all the appropriate voice types (to avoid confusing myself). Whenever I go into the LE CK, and press record to create the dummy file, it makes a path and file for all the voice types, not just the one in use by the actor. Can anyone help straighten me out?





What happens if you put a condition at the start (one of the first tabs let's you put conditions for the quest - quest data I belive) "getisvoice" (I think that's what it's called) and put that voice for that quest/character. Does that clear it up?

Edited by Sovrath
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What happens if you put a condition at the start


I had the same thought. On the aliases for the actors I simply added a "getVoiceType" of the appropriate voice. Earlier today I did a trial run and the results are as desired. The voice and lip files are in my mod and functioning as intended.


Thanks a bunch.

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