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your display doesnt support the selected resolution


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So I played skyrim yesterday, but when i try to launch it today i get skyrm failed to initializa render. your display doesnt support the selected resolution

so naturaly i want to check my resolution choice in the launcher, but

There is no resolution in the resolution box. The drop-down list is also blank.

When I tried to hit Play, the game wouldn't start. A small black box appeared in the corner of my screen (like it does during a CTD) and a warning box popped up:

Failed to initialize render. Your display doesn't support the selected resolution.

...Brilliant. Naturally, my display doesn't support the resolution, which at the time is marked as "big white blank space." I try again, this time in windowed mode.

Failed to initialize renderer. Windowed mode not supported on this Adapter.


so now i dont know what to do...

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Have you tried verifying your game files on steam?

Also, you might have steam re-run the system information thing it does.


Other than than, I would check to make sure your graphics drivers are updated and that your driver is communicating with your monitor.

i needed to upgrade my nvida thingy ^^ the problem is now fixed :P

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Just for the record, in case anyone else is having this issue, I had it happen to me, but it was because the game had somehow reset my monitor resolution to the minimum possible and done similar to my colour availability. I did a machine reboot and reset it to the correct settings and the problem was solved. I suspect it was an early stage graphics crash, hope this might help someone :)

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hi all,

i know this theme is old but i need help.


>Failed to initialize renderer. your display doesn´t support the selected resolution. please set a different resolution in skyrim launcher und "display settings".<


well i did it but skyrim don´tdo anything. i have this problem now for days since i updatet my v-card (nvidea geforce gtx 770m) . at first i thought the major problem is the new update and the directX version is too old but this is not the problem, i updatet dx and skyrim don´t start at all. i tried a later driver version of dx and v-card, deleted the config datas of skyrim and so on.


i have a RoG Laptop with windows 8.1


i´m looking the whole time for a way to fix it , don´t find anything that worked


pls help


post scriptum: i can read/speak ger too so u can , if u want, write in german



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Did you remember to update the ini file when you changed the video card?


Simplest way is to rename the ini to something else ( so you have a backup) and start Skyrim from the Steam launcher instead of any other method - you will get the message that it is setting your video - that means it is generating a new INI based on your new hardware. Start the game and make a save. exit the game. THEN, if you had a custom ini, you can go in and make the changes. If not you are ready to go. Try starting the game your normal way.

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I have done what what you've posted, but still does not work. i don´get it. what is the problem? the most with the same problem updated their v-card and/or directX and it´s fine. i have this problem because i updated them to the newest version? all other games are fine like crysis, borderlands, bf etc.

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