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Mod Request, Wards Fixed


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Hoping the amazing community can come together and fix wards unless the developers beat yall to it.


Wards currently only protect doors/chests from being opened up. They do not protect structures from being damaged by any tools/weapons either inside the bubble or outside. Wards should protect all structures within the bubble and ground as well so people can tunnel under your building to collapse it. Hopefully something comes along.

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Wards are not meant to be protective spells for constructions, they do exactly what they should do, they allow users to have private spaces where nobody else can enter or have access to storage.
If you want to build such protective magic you should have to find much rarer resources to obtain it than some graylings' eyes.
However, adding new items to the game is not as popular as reworking those present in the base game so they did exactly what you were asking for:

Better Wards

I think this mod offers you everything that you were asking for and much more, hope you enjoy it.

May your road lead you to warm sands, friend.

Edited by UlisesAffro
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