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dead body not showing up in game

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I placed a dead body with some loot and a key to a home i made inside the national guard depot. But it won't show up in game.


I explored the depot before i placed the body, so my guess is it has something to doo with that. Waiting until the cell resets (I have set it to reset) does not help. The robots do respawn, but the corpse still doesn't show up.


Any ideas?

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I'm not sure that is such a good idea. In the GECK there is an option to make a dead body stay in the game world forever, but it's hard to tell in game, and it seems as if the one you're using isn't programmed to do so.


However, if you have an old save game right after you put your stuff on him, you can click on him and his reference number should show up.


Write this down.


Then load up your current save game.


Once in you current save game apply this code in the console with the "~" key


moveto player

Of course, replace "REFERENCE NUMBER" with the actual number you wrote down.


EDIT: Perhaps I misunderstood your post. Perhaps you are saying you're making a mod and the NPC you made is not showing up ingame.


To ensure that the game is actually using the esp (discerning if it's corrupted or not) take your NPC objectid and use this code:


player.placeactoratme OBJECTID
Edited by SoulReaver911
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What I'm trying to do is have the body llying around in the depot from game start and/or after i load the mod.. When you're exploring the vanilla game you will occasionally stumble upon dead NPC's that have been placed in a certain place so you can find something on them to advance a quest or tell a story or unravel some other mytery. I'm trying to do exactly the same. I created a dead NPC, placed it in the Depot, and now i want to go to him and loot the key he has on him. But he isn't there. From all I've read about creating and placing dead NPC's it should work, but it doesn't.

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Now, I haven't done what you're trying to do, so my help is limited. But it seems to me that if you use the console to bring him to you, you'll at least be able to tell if he is in the game world at all. From there you can determine if the esp is corrupted and the if the game simply can't read it, or if it is a fault within the setup of your mod or the other mods you're using.


Also, if you like I'd be willing to play test it to see if he comes up in the game I'm running.

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Now it gets really weird! I've done some testing, and this is what came out of it:


When I'm using console commands to teleport me to the body, it teleports me to the exact spot where I placed it in the GECK, but there is no body! Also when I teleport the body to me it seems to work, but also, no visible body! But when I then walk away from where i teleported it to and then teleport me to the body, I land in the same spot where I teleported it to a moment ago. So the game definitely recognizes that there is a body as all the teleport commands work, but it just wont show it!


And it doesn't matter where i try this. I got as far as Megaton with the same result.


But it doesn't stop there:

I have two savegames. One in Megaton where I left off playing, and one in front of the depot that I use to test the stuff I'm currently changing in that area. With the latter, it works like described above, but with the other one I actually can teleport the body to my location and it will show up properly. But when I proceed to the depot or teleport myself there, again, no body!


Seriously, WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!


What i can do as a workaround is this: Use my Megaton savegame and teleport the body to Megaton, then travel to the depot where i actually want the body to be, then teleport it to me there, voilà!


But this can't be the solution. I mean, it works fine for me, but I want to upload this when I'm finished, so it has to work properly.


One last thing, when teleporting the body actually delivers the body properly it says "Boiler Picked Package SandBox ()" (Boiler beeing the NPC's name). When teleporting doesn't deliver a body it doesn't say anything. There's just no error message and as I described before the game does recognize the new location for the body, it just doesn't show it.

Edited by theoneandonlyboiler
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theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


It's possible the dead body is being cleaned up by the game.


Many cells are set to reset with dead bodies being cleaned away & NPC/creatures respawning.


I take it your Dead body is unique? If not make a unique version so that you can safely modify it.


Then try ticking the "Quest Item" box in the NPC's data window.


As a Quest item it should never be removed from the game.


Hope this helps!



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Well, I'm not entirely sure what's going on here with your esp.


So I decided to make one of my own, just a simple dead npc placed in an interior cell.


Here's my step-list after loading up the geck and all necessary files:


1: Create new npc by right clicking over any already-made npc in the object window under the NPC header and selecting new


2: after giving it an ID and a name, I made sure to check the box "No low level processing" and left everything else unchecked.


3: went to the stats tab and gave the npc a base health of zero


4: saved and reloaded mod to ensure there was no errors before putting in game world


5: inserted the npc into the render window and floored it with "f"


6: used the "g" key to raise him up 5 times so that he would hover a little


7: used the "run havok sim" in the drop down menu list labeled "world" to make sure he looked dead enough


8: saved the esp and loaded in game


He appeared good and dead.



Maybe you missed a step here or maybe you didn't but this method worked for me.


If for some reason you already did all this perfectly then I would suggest making a separate esp as a test. This esp will be just the dead body and all the stuff you want him to have.


Try loading up the esp in game without your original esp to verify that it isn't some other mod affecting your work.


Try loading up the esp with your original mod and see what happens.

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theoneandonlyboiler - Hello!


That's odd, I take it you've got the NPC's health set to 0 & the Respawn flag unticked?


Try setting the specific placed NPC to Persistent, though the Quest item setting should also do that.


Hope this helps!



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