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Able to enchant an already enchanted weapon?


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Is there a way to create a weapon with a specific enchantment, but have that enchantment not show up as an actual enchantment?

Say I wanted a flaming sword (thats actually what I'm doing) but want the flames to be more part of the sword rather than something you put onto them. I want the flames to always be on the blade, but I want you to be able to enchant it with other enchantments as well, not just be stuck with only a flaming sword.

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Yes, it is achievable through perk. All kind of Axe weapons actually function exactly like that. Once you obtain the perk, attacking with axe cast bleeding damage (a spell) on target, and you retain the ability to enchant them. You just need to create a perk for your blade and let it apply fire damage instead.

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It is actually very simple. You create a new perk, create new Perk Entry and choose Entry Point, choose "Apply Combat hit spell" link to your fire spell (contact). In the Conditions section of Perk Entry, create new condition: GetisID (yournewsword) == 1. Add the script "SilverswordScript" to your blade and link the property SilverPerk to your new perk.

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