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What AI Mods are there?


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I personally use "Duel Combat Realism" It is a Combat AI mod, pretty decent

hmm, I've looked at Duel before.

It doesn't change or create new AI Combat Style records directly though.

It makes a few changes to game settings, but nothing too significant.


The AI changes it makes must be done by scripts.

But, the source code for Duel is unreleased so there's no way for me to know how and what kind of AI changes Duel makes. If any at all.


So far Duke Patrick's heavy weapons combat mod is the only one I've found so far with direct edits to AI Combat Style.

Edited by GrimyBunyip
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I personally use "Duel Combat Realism" It is a Combat AI mod, pretty decent

hmm, I've looked at Duel before.

It doesn't change or create new AI Combat Style records directly though.

It makes a few changes to game settings, but nothing too significant.


The AI changes it makes must be done by scripts.

But, the source code for Duel is unreleased so there's no way for me to know how and what kind of AI changes Duel makes. If any at all.


So far Duke Patrick's heavy weapons combat mod is the only one I've found so far with direct edits to AI Combat Style.

Well, you should check the video the author put, he shows the difference between Vanilla fight and his mod's. The latter is significantly harder coompared to vanillas.

Also you should check the mod description.

But I'm not a modder, it only gives the description obviosly not the dark "technical" side of it :biggrin:

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I personally use "Duel Combat Realism" It is a Combat AI mod, pretty decent

hmm, I've looked at Duel before.

It doesn't change or create new AI Combat Style records directly though.

It makes a few changes to game settings, but nothing too significant.


The AI changes it makes must be done by scripts.

But, the source code for Duel is unreleased so there's no way for me to know how and what kind of AI changes Duel makes. If any at all.


So far Duke Patrick's heavy weapons combat mod is the only one I've found so far with direct edits to AI Combat Style.


As a sniper in game , I used to sneak and shoot the wall or some kind, wait for Necro or bandit or some mobs to check for that place, then shoot him/it down. If they're more than 3, I have to sneak roll to somewhere else and wait for their searching. Then they find nothing and go back to where they were, the "hidden eye" close...

But with Duel. I shoot down one, they search, and back, and when I'm ready to go again and shoot for another one. They search back ! With a magic shield! what the ....! Then I find other way to take down another. They are searching me again. I wait for the hidden eye to close but.... what the... hey! They doing it forever! That means, if you let somebody know you are here in the area, they will be searching for you, for a really really long time! That I can't wait for that. It push me to think some other way to do a snipe!

It's a bit funny and a bit challenge.

Edited by TeirDal
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