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Large Address Enabler and RAM questions

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I recently realized that when I used the Large Address Enabler utility that was available on Nexus that I made the mistake of modifying the fallout.exe (which was in the directions for some reason) and not the foseloader.exe. I've noticed much better frame rates in my game which is just brilliant since I've been wondering why the game was struggling at certain points even with my new video card AND with the new RAM upgrade. I have a lot of mods with at least 100 plugins. I'm using the Increased Increased spawns in MMM and the Full NMC texture pack with max bumpmaps. The game had a tendency to crash during periods of high system load (i.e battles with massive spawns). The game functions better now but it seems to me though that there should be some room for improvement. Is there a way to exceed the 3GB limit? If not I might just have to overclock. : \

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I recently realized that when I used the Large Address Enabler utility that was available on Nexus that I made the mistake of modifying the fallout.exe (which was in the directions for some reason) and not the foseloader.exe.

That is not a mistake, that is how you do it :smile: Fallout.exe is the Process which needs the RAM not FOSE.

Is there a way to exceed the 3GB limit?

Nope, that's it.
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unfortunately fo3 engine limit is the same either on a budget pc or super_ultra_performance pc and imo with your mods configuration:


"I have a lot of mods with at least 100 plugins. I'm using the Increased Increased spawns in MMM and the Full NMC texture pack with max bumpmaps"


you have plenty reached this limit!!!!! ;D



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