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CTD even after completely uninstalling and re-installing.


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So I recently started modding Skyrim again, and installed a bunch of mods and it didn't turn out well. So I decided to start over from scratch and completely removed any trace of Skyrim on my PC, and then reinstalled it. Yet I'm still having CTDs upon trying to start a new game, completely unmodded atm. Previously when I had the mods installed I could load into the game, but any time I loaded a cell with NPCs the game would crash. I obviously couldn't figure out why and just gave up, but now I have no mods installed and the game is still crashing when the intro-cutscene is about to start. No clue why.

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Check in your C:\users\whateveryourusernameis\app data\Skyrim folder as well. Any leftovers in there can bite you too.


May not hurt to grab Revo Uninstaller Portable, and use that for your reinstall. It will also scan for any leftover files/registry entries that the standard uninstaller doesn't seem to get.

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I second the Revo uninstaller option. It is what I use when creating a vanilla game. I would advise you to be careful when deleting registry files with Revo, I got careless once and ended up having to reinstall my OS.


Do not forget that Steam keeps many of your game files in the cloud and unless you have this option disabled Steam will load those files when you install the game, sometime defeating the purpose of reinstalling the game in the first p;ace.

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Did you try to start a new game? If your save game has leftover data from previously installed mods baked into it, this might be the reason for CTDs even on a "Vanilla" setup. As others have mentioned before, a save game cleaner might help - or not. Not everything is fixable.


So, I'd at least run some tests with a fresh game. If the game still crashes, it's an installation problem. If it doesn't, it's a problem with your save game.

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