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skse_loader.exe executing SkyrimLauncher.exe instead of TESV.exe


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This just started this evening, when I ran it earlier in the day, my game ended with a CTD.


Now, everytime I run skse_loader.exe, SkyrimLauncher.exe runs instead of jumping straight to TESV.exe.

To test this, I renamed SkyrimLauncher.exe to SkyrimLauncher.exe.goaway.

Running skse_loader.exe, Steam said, "Failed. Can't find executable."

I made a copy of TESV.exe, renamed it to SkyrimLauncher.exe and fired up skse_loader.exe.

Skyrim launched, but SKSE wasn't loaded because it relies on the existence of a process named TESV.exe to latch on to (I think?).

Anyone else seen this before?

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So this is working now, which is the damnedest thing.

I rebooted my machine. Restarted Steam, and other games worked. Skyrim wouldn't launch.

The interaction with Steam makes me wonder if I hit some very late night maintenance hiccup.

I didn't change a thing, just walked away from the computer at 5AM, came back, and it works.

Thanks anyway.

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