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Cannot run Creation Kit


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I cannot seem to run the Creation Kit. It comes up with an error that it cannot find the steam_api.dll. I guess that is because the creation kit is installed in the Steam Folder - with Papyrus Editor folder and some other files as well as another Data folder- whereas Skyrim is on my separate Games drive. When I moved the kit to skyrim games folder it still did not work - I moved the ssce5432.dll also as it said it required it but to no avail. There does seem to be a few important looking files in the steam apps folder for Skyrim, should these be together with the rest of the game?

Can somebody please advise?

Edited by Pau1K311y
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The CK does also add a lot of files to the Data folder (like Scripts and such). You could probably live without Scripts, but you almost certainly need the other folders. There are also a few folders in its own folder which it undoubtedly needs in order to work (like the Papyrus stuff). And don't forget the flowchartx32.dll and SkyrimEditor.ini, as well.

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Sorry I'm a little confused now I dont know much about the Creation Kit setup. So all the Creation Kit stuff has been installed my Steam folder on D drive and should really be in the Skyrim game folder? Did I do something wrong on installation? I have tried to place all of the Papyrus stuff and dlls in already but it did not work. Can I reinstall to the right place? Which is the best way to do this?

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