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[HELP] Create a ring with multiple swiching spells


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I hope this is the right place to ask for a bit of help.


What I am trying to do is to create a ring that gives 3 different spells and various things(bonus and malus).


I created a ring and leveled it, wrote a simple script (i do not know the language) to enable the spells when the ring is equipped and disable them when it is unequipped.


Spells appear on my menu'...all seems to work and if i use one spell the bonus/malus stacks on my character.


Problem is that if I try to use another spell the one used before remains.


I tried to use the "dispel this effect with these keywords" and the cloak effect for magic effects but it didn't work.


It looks like spells added on a spell are not influenced by the magic effect inside that spell; or maybe i'm doing something wrong.


Here is a screen of one magic effect and his spell + the ring i created:




What i want to know if is possible to do what i'm doing, the way i'm doing it or if there is a better way.


I want this ring to have 3 spell, each spell gives 1 bonus and 1 or 2 malus; when i swich spell i want the old spell effects to be cleared and the new one to be added.


A solution could be a script that adds and delete spells/bonus/malus at the player when he uses a spell but i didn't find it and i don't even know if it is possible.


Hope someone can help me,


Thank you




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So, I'm not sure what you mean when you said "to enable the spells when the ring is equipped". Did you mean that when you equip the ring, it adds spells to your magic menu such that you can now cast a spell that you could not previously? For example, if you equipped the ring, the Fireball spell is added to your menu, so you can cast Fireballs until you unequip the ring?

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Yes, exactly. But that part is already solved. I did a ring that gives three spells each with bonus and malus.

What i do need to understand is, after i do have all the spells of the ring,

how can i make them swich when i try to summon them.


For example, i want that spell 1 gives 15% movement speed but if i cast spell 2 that adds 5% atk speed,

the spell 1 bonus has to disappear.

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It seems unusual that the "Dispel Effects with these Keywords" checkbox is not working for you. Are you sure that you are using the same keyword and adding it to each of the relevant magic effects, and checking the "Dispel Effects with these Keywords" checkbox?

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