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All I wanted were some clothes and maybe a gun or two. The ship would be nice at some point but since I wouldn't be the one making it I was never expecting it to be done.

As far as I can tell no one has even stepped up and offered to make any of my requests so I don't understand what all the arguing is about.


I'm confused though, why would anyone fight to have a mod NOT made? Or made differently than requested? What difference would it make?

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All I wanted were some clothes and maybe a gun or two. The ship would be nice at some point but since I wouldn't be the one making it I was never expecting it to be done.

As far as I can tell no one has even stepped up and offered to make any of my requests so I don't understand what all the arguing is about.


I'm confused though, why would anyone fight to have a mod NOT made? Or made differently than requested? What difference would it make?


Oh, I want it made I just hate it when mods add so much "awsum krap" that they become too much to use.


And in all honest, I would make it but I can't mesh for s**t.

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  • 6 months later...

Since I just realized this is here, I'll just reply here.


Why is everyone so angry about Firefly?


Just make a completely alternative set of worlds, with various characters, etc.


I don't want to play Firefly in DC. That's totally lame.


I want to play Firefly in Whitefall. On Ariel. Catching my drift?


I think it would be better for us to completely forget about integration, and just focus on creation.


Make a polygon-light, well-textured (and I mean well-textured) model of Serenity's exterior, so it can go pretty much anywhere (probably most of the animations of the vertibirds can be altered for our purposes if necessary.)


Just add a browncoat to whatever clothes we wear. Hell, I want to be the captain if I'm going to be doing this.


It's just a matter of putting in the time and effort, and the more of us that sign on, the more likely it is to get done.


I'll do what I can from my Mac, but as a novice I'll need to be given some pointers about what I need to do.


Still, I figure there's no shame in trying.


If anyone wants to help out, give me a message and we'll see what we can do.

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