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Esbern Makeover Mod, But Happens Midgame


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Ever played that game Star Wars The Force Unleashed? It was a game I played back in my PS2 days and in the game, there was an old Jedi who you had look for as part of the questline and when you did, he was drunk, blind and covered in his own piss. Even when you took him on your ship, he refused to cooperate 80% of the time and seem to pay no interest in the meeting summit your protagonist is planning to hold soon. The crew decided to hold the meeting without him but just as soon as they started, he made his entrance, fully sober and looked neat.


The same could be done with Esbern. For someone living in the sewers for who knows how long, it would make sense for him to look like a beggar when you do find him. But wouldn't it be cooler that when the meeting at High Hrothgar commenced, he would don his old Blades armor and at least give himself a makeover to look more presentable? That, is the mod I'm getting at. A character replacer that only takes place after the start of an event.

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