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CTD's, SKSE, gamesaves.


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Ive tried various ways of getting ride of the issues. I have used NMM, Wrye Bash, BOSS and Mod Organizer. I have installed SKSE proper, several times to make sure. I have even use Gopher's tutorial with a folder you name as SKSE and added accordingly, making SKSE like an actual MOD you install.


Here is what happens: In NMM, BOSS, Wrye Bash, SKSE is recognized ingame, however, when I attempt to "save" it crashes and when I go to y game save file, the auto save is saved as a TEMP like this: (character name).ess.TMP. I have renamed the TEMP to an .ess file, tried to run off that and it is only about 384 saved into that file, instead of previous auto's that are part of the game OVER 15,000 KB. Crash and burn results ingame to these TMP files.


I can use MOD Organizer and will run and sometimes crashes, BUT never recognizes SKSE 1,6.13 ... as noted, all before DOES recognize SKSE 1.6.13. I know the file is named 1.9.32 in your Skyrim file, but a lot of MOD Organizer just skips and screws your MOD's. I have contacted via email the MO people. I have contacted the SkyUI people.


Why is the game saving TMP files one way and the other fine. I have run the game STRAIGHT SKSE to crash and burn TMP saves auto's ...



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