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Dual Sheath Redux [HELP]


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Okay, so i just finished installing it. At first i had the error where i had to run the patcher. I have done now, however and all is well. The problem is that i dont really see what it is changing. When i equip two swords, my left handed weapon is still invisible, my sheild doesnt go on my back and neither does my staff. Is this problem with animations or do i need the actual dual sheath mod first?

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You are not giving us a lot. I had some problems finding .esp file and patching it (I am kinda new at Skyrim and modding :)) but I will tell you what I did (there is another thread on forum for Dual Sheath Redux, check it out).


0. I think you need SKSE and http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/26800 for this to run, not sure!

1. Install as normal MOD via all mighty Nexus Mod Manager

2. Go to C Drive --> Program Files --> The Elder Scrolls Skyrim (Unfortunately I don't have the orginal Skyrim :() --> Data --> SkyProc Patchers --> Dual Sheath Redux Patch
2.1 Once you are there you will see a .jar file (Dual Sheath Redux Patch.jar)

2.2 Update your Java! Latest version is required!

2.3 Right click on .jar file --> open with: Java

2.4 Click Patch*

* If you see a message that says that you need to get Dual Sheath Redux to your Load order (find load order file, this is how -->

) patching won't work, after you found Loadorder.txt you will see this order: SkyUI , what I did here, I just put Dual Sheath Redux first and SkyUI second, save it and do the Patch thing again.

Dual Sheath Redux

3. Go back to your Data folder and you will see another file (at first, there was only one .esp file called Dual Sheath Redux.esp) Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp

4. Right click on that new one, and click Archive. You just got a new .rar file with the same name.

5. Open Nexus MM and go to Open Folders and run the new .rar as a MOD

6. That's it.


I suggest that you also see this: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/966385-helpdual-sheath-redux/

That guy helped me, I am just repeating what I've learned :)

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I know this thread was started almost a year ago but I feel like it's still an issue - I've just finished modding my newest Skyrim install (roughly 100 mods, some cosmetic improvements with a a lot of the regulars such as Frostfall, etc). In the end, I gave up on Dual Sheath Redux (DSR). It's just too messed up of a mod and because support for some of the other mods is beginning to fall off whiles others continue, DSR becomes far too stretched out. What you end up with is some weapons with glitched meshes or no left-side mesh/texture at all.


The patching process for DSR is also incredibly flawed. Requiring you to download an initial install with a patching ReProccer .jar that you then have to activate for the newest version. The hardest thing was getting it to recognize that JaySuS's Swords was installed. I ended up having to use THREE work around patches simultaneously just in order to get it to recognize JaySuS during the patching process (and it still didn't work in game). If carrying a sword around in your hand or not seeing the second weapon sheathed breaks the game for you, then consider removing many (or all) mods which deal with weapons and then good luck.


In the end, Dual Sheath Redux just wasn't worth it.

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I think you need the xp32-Skeleton and FNIS Idles is recommendend to fix several animations. You have to run the FNIS.exe (or whatever it's called) after installing (somewhere in a "Data"-subfolder)


Requirements of Dual Sheath Redux:

Skyrim v1.9.32.0 or greater
SKSE v1.6.13 or greater
Java Runtime Environment 7 update 21 or greater
XP32 Maximum Skeleton (Recommended) or other skeleton which supports left hand weapon, shield on back, and staff on back nodes.
BOSS unless disabled via this method.




  • Install FNIS Behavior V5_0_2 -- ALWAYS necessary
  • Install Creature Pack V5_0_2 (optional, necessary for creature animation mods)
  • Install FNIS Idle Spells V5_0_1 -- ADD-ON for the spells (optional, necessary for the spells)
  • Install other FNIS dependant mods (see mod list below)
  • Start Data/tools/GenerateFNIS_for_Users/GenerateFNISforUsers.exe AS ADMINISTRATOR (part of FNIS Behavior, and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, or NOTHING works)
  • Select Behavior patches (ONLY those you need!)
  • Click "Update FNIS Behavior"

When you exit GenerateFNISforUsers.exe, you will be asked if a shortcut to the tool shall be created on your desktop.
Say "YES" (strongly recommended - you will need the generator quite frequently)

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